

Ysaÿe: 6 Sonatas for Violin Solo, Op. 27 / Sonata No. 2 in A Minor – I. Obsession. Prèlude
Hilary Hahn





T・S:Apple Musicで発売前のアルバムの一曲が聴けたのですが、イザイは難しいです〜 弾くのもでしょうが、聴くのも(笑)

















早速出ました。楽しみです! ところで、先日の西宮でのホールにおける7年ぶりの生演奏、今も耳に木霊しています。
5:21 AM · Jun 10, 2023





Laurie Niles
Interview with Hilary Hahn: 100 Years of the Ysaÿe Sonatas

10 July 2023

Violin-playing today owes a lot to one important man of yesterday: Eugène Ysaÿe – who lived from 1858 to 1931.

For one, he wrote the Six Sonatas for solo violin – beautiful and groundbreaking pieces that follow in the footsteps of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas. But also, there is the direct teaching lineage that so many people can claim to Ysaÿe, who taught Joseph Gingold, William Primrose, Matthieu Crickboom, Oscar Shumsky, Nathan Milstein, Jascha Brodsky and Louis Persinger, among others. Ysaÿe’s pedagogy is connected to anyone whose teachers descend from that line, and there are a great many. (Even I can make the connection – several of my teachers were proteges of Gingold.)

Hilary Hahn has always treasured the direct musical lineage she had through her teacher at the Curtis Institute. When she realized last October that the Six Sonatas were coming up for their 100th anniversary in 2023, she felt a sudden compulsion to do something about it.

“These pieces are iconic, generation-defining, and a beautiful celebration of the instrument. Could I find some way to mark their centenary?” she said. “My concert schedule was completely full. There was one other possibility, but it would be a massive undertaking: recording this opus.”

That’s how Hilary came to record the entire set in a creative whirlwind that lasted for the next seven weeks – recording them in chronological order, in between concert tours. That recording, Eugène Ysaÿe’s Six Sonatas for Violin Solo, Op. 27, officially will be released this Friday.

Last month I spoke with Hilary about this breathtaking project, her connection to Ysaÿe, and Ysaÿe’s connection to all violinists.

“I’ve always put a lot of value in being ‘one-generation-removed’ from a man who was born in the 1850s and was hugely influential,” Hilary said, “I take great pride in being a ‘musical grandchild’ of Ysaÿe.”

That said, when it comes to the Sonatas, the influence a little more indirect – Hilary did not study them all with her teacher. “I taught myself all of them, except for number six,” she said. “Number six, I learned while I was still a student; the rest I taught myself after graduating. So it’s music that is in my soul, in my musical DNA, but I don’t have particular pedagogical stories about it.”

When it comes to repertoire for violinists, the Ysaÿe Sonatas are a solid part of the canon. “You learn the Bach as a younger student, and then you add the Ysaÿe for some variety, to learn some slightly different techniques,” Hilary said.

It is clear that Ysaÿe was inspired by Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas. “The seed of the project for him came from a performance by (Joseph) Szigeti, who was playing Bach,” Hilary said. “I don’t think Ysaÿe intended for it to be the series of six it became – he probably discovered more ideas and just kept writing.”

The sheer audacity of Ysaÿe’s Six Sonatas is part of its charm and challenge. Not everyone would take on the task of writing a follow-up to Bach’s works for solo violin, but “Ysaÿe heard his colleague playing Bach and thought, ‘Hmmm, this could use an update, let me modernize this. How about six-note chords on a four stringed instrument?'” Hilary laughed, “And he did it!

A composer who wasn’t violinist – or who wasn’t a violinist at Ysaÿe’s proficiency level – simply would not have been able to find the possibilities that Ysaÿe did. “In these pieces there is an informality and also an exuberance,” Hilary said. “The way he writes through the expressive freedoms – it’s from a very deep knowledge of the instrument. Where other composers hit a roadblock, he sees a path. Or he just bursts right through the wall – as if saying, ‘Oh, this is not made of brick, this is made of Styrofoam!'”

“So it’s this niche, but super-important set of pieces for a violinist,” she said.

Ysaÿe also wrote the Sonatas with particular violinists in mind – dedicating each one of them to a violinist who was his contemporary. Of course, he dedicated the first to Joseph Szigeti, who inspired the entire project. Then he dedicated the second to Jacques Thibaud, third to George Enescu, fourth to Fritz Kreisler, fifth to Mathieu Crickboom and sixth to Manuel Quiroga.

“You have a lot of inner messages in these pieces, from Ysaÿe to the dedicatee,” Hilary said. “You just sense that there are stories being told, and references – to parties they were at together, or some conversation, or a concert Ysaÿe went to. The closer the dedicatee and composer were, the more personalized and sort of hidden-message-y the piece ended up being. I was really interested in all of those dynamics.”

For Hilary, this recording project generated a series of revelations – about connections to Bach, or to Ysaÿe’s dedicatees, or to other aspects of the music – which deepened her personal relationship with this music.

“The first revelation for me was in the first Sonata,” she said. “I realized that the more I played it like Bach, but like ‘organ Bach’ (she laughs), the more it worked. It’s a little choppy if you play it like ‘violin Bach,'” Hilary said. “But if you look at the (first-movement) Grave as something you might hear in a meander-y organ improvisation, with some powerful jolts,” then it works. Making that connection to Bach’s organ music gave her a perspective on “how Ysaÿe takes an influence and distills it,” and that served as a basis for connecting to the rest of the sonatas. The Fugato in the first sonata “is very much a combination of references to the three Bach fugues in the Sonatas and Partitas, and to Bach’s organ music.”

“I love Sonata No. 2 for so many reasons,” Hilary said. Sonata 2, called “Obsession,” begins with a quote from the Preludio from Bach’s Partita No. 3. “So there’s clearly the Bach reference, but I also love the idea that it’s a reflection of how Thibaud (its dedicatee) practiced,” she said. “He would just practice these little blips – he would play a little bit of this, a little bit of that… And Ysaÿe knew this, and so he wrote that first movement as such.”

“And then in many places, Ysaÿe is juxtaposing different messaging,” Hilary said. “There is the Dies irae in the second Sonata, and that whole Sonata is connected to Bach as well.” The Dies irae is musical sequence that relates to the Day of Wrath, from the Catholic Requiem Mass. But “it’s also a mood cue in a lot of repertoire from around (Ysaÿe’s) era,” she said.

Of course, Bach was deeply religious and served the Lutheran church for most of his professional musical life. “There are elements of Bach chorales in that Sonata that are hymns – the old Lutheran hymns,” she said. Hilary grew up going to the Lutheran church, singing from the old hymnal, and as she was recording, she kept associating the music with a certain hymn. “I wouldn’t want to say for sure that it is that hymn, but for me, the message in that hymn is the total opposite of the message of the Dies irae, and it’s immediately juxtaposed inside this sonata,” she said. “For me, that was a moment of feeling even more at home in the music, like there are insights that I can also access that are personal to me, even though the music wasn’t dedicated to me. That was a beautiful realization: that I had some insight that I didn’t even know lived in me. And I don’t know if it’s an insight into Ysaÿe or just an insight into my relationship with the piece.”

Sonata No. 3 has a little insider message as well. “Enescu’s Third Sonata is the biggest piece by Enescu that you’re likely to play if you’re a violinist – and this is Sonata ‘No. 3,’ of Ysaÿe’s, dedicated to Enescu! It has that sort of same flair and style that you feel when you really get comfortable with Enescu’s writing. So Ysaÿe is just playing with all these inside references.”

But Hilary’s biggest moment of realization came when recording Sonata No. 5, “L’Aurore,” dedicated to Crickboom. It brought her back to a project she did a number of years ago – working with composer Antón García Abril. He wrote her Six Partitas for Solo Violin, which she recorded and released in 2019. “When I was recording Ysaÿe’s Number Five, it felt like everything I’ve learned was coming together, because the García Abril Partitas feel similar to what Number Five feels like.” she said. “The opening of Number Five is pushy and laid back at the same time, and it’s sporadic but also directional, and that’s very much what the García Abril Partitas feel like.”

Those insights held, as she went on to record Ysaÿe’s Sonata No. 6, dedicated to the Spanish violinist Manuel Quiroga.

“When we got to Number Six, I felt like, ‘Oh, I know these rhythms so much better now than I did, back when I first learned this piece’ – because Anton taught me the Spanish rhythms,” she said. The sixth Sonata quotes Spanish folk rhythms – “the same rhythms that Antón was so proud of in his heritage,” she said. “Antón taught me things he didn’t even know he was teaching me, in his sense of rhythm that he was developing, things that I later recognized in the Sixth (Ysaÿe) Sonata.” All those things together helped her develop her own new relationship to that piece, which is the first Ysaÿe Sonata she had ever learned.

“Ysaÿe was living during very pivotal time,” Hilary said. These sonatas were written right before a historical period that brought about music that sounds to us, even today, very radical. “A lot of the composers in his time were experimenting with form, experimenting with where tonality could go, questioning what the role of an individual instrument could be.” And for his part, Bach was also ahead of his time – “Things that he did in the Sonatas and Partitas are more experimental than I’ve seen from many composers today,” Hilary said.

Many of the things we take for granted today when it comes to technical options on the violin, “were still being experimented on and developed as Ysaÿe was growing up,” she said. He lived at a moment when recordings started connecting musicians. Cars were just being invented – now people were starting to have more access to each other. All of the things that kept people apart were becoming less of a barrier.

“Ysaÿe was in the eye of the storm,” Hilary said. “All these ideas were swirling around, and he was somehow in the middle – sort of a hub. If you think about a wheel, there are all these spokes – and he was the hub for so many things that were both past and future.”

“I discovered so much about the pieces that made me fall in love with them all over again – but in a different way,” she said. Recording them “made me understand my own sense of expressiveness even better.”






Hilary Hahn, ‘Sonata No. 3, Ballade’
The intrepid violinist undertakes some of the most challenging solo violin music
14 July 2023
by Tom Huizenga

In the classical violin world, there are three great mountains to climb for the solo fiddler: J.S. Bach’s six Sonatas and Partitas, from 1720; Paganini’s 24 Caprices, completed in 1817; and the Six Sonatas by the Belgian master Eugéne Ysaÿe, who was busy composing them exactly 100 years ago.

To mark the centenary, Hilary Hahn has trekked to the peak, releasing a new album of all six of Ysaÿe’s thorny works, each with a distinct personality, each reaching treacherous and sublime heights. Ysaÿe is credited with ushering in the modern mode of violin playing that emphasized virtuosity (but not empty exhibitionism), bold sounds and free-wheeling imagination.

All of that is rigorously packed into the Third Sonata, subtitled “Ballade.” Just getting to all the notes is a major feat, but Hahn, with a big, burgundy tone and pinpoint accuracy, finds a narrative arc amid the composer’s thicket of double stops and broadly colored harmonies. The piece opens with a sober plea, rising upward, braking suddenly, as if delivering a warning. A jagged theme emerges, worked out in passages calm as a whisper or turbulent as a gale force cri de coeur. Ysaÿe closes with a daredevil finish that would make Paganini tremble.

While the music was once considered mainly grist for violin geeks, over the decades Ysaÿe’s sonatas have slowly secured a foothold in the repertoire. Hahn’s new performances guarantee the fascination with these beautiful, inscrutable pieces will not soon fade.






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2008-10-18 ただ今、人生の第二楽章?



2009-01-12 読書リストと演奏会の予定



2009-01-13 ヒラリー・ハーンのリサイタル(1)


どうしてそういう成り行きになったのか、手がすべってしまったのか、ピアニストのヴァレンティーナ・リシッツアさんが、見かけによらず、とてもかわいらしい細く高い声で、うれしさ満面の笑みをたたえながら“Thank you!”と、ヒラリー・ハーン自身による解説書の方に、自分の名前を書いてしまったのです。(あら!)と思った時には、後の祭り。隣に座っていたヒラリー・ハーンさんに、言葉を交わす余裕も失せてしまい、慌てて、後ろの白紙ページにサインをいただき、“Thank you very much”と言うのが精一杯。

2009-01-14 ヒラリー・ハーンのリサイタル(2)



2009-01-20 若い音楽家の人生から学ぶ



2009-01-23 いずみホールでのリサイタル(2)



2009-01-30 風邪ひきの効用



2009-06-15 音楽と騒音



2010-01-14 誰からも学べる円満の秘訣



2010-05-31 5月の終わりに


《今日は一日中、ヒラリー・ハーンの英語インタビューを読んだり、彼女が「観客獲得のためではなく」と断りながら、個人としての楽しみで開設しているというYou Tubeの「ヒラリー・ハーン・ビデオ」を覗いたり、ヴァイオリン・ケースが語るという設定のTwitterを見たりして過ごしました。》

2010-06-01 サロネン&ヒラリー・ハーン演奏会



2010-06-02 ヒラリー・ハーンの演奏とサイン会



2010-06-03 ヒラリー・ハーンの演奏会の後に



2010-07-24 猛暑の中で….



2010-11-06 庄司紗矢香&カシオーリの演奏会


《ただ今入ったばかりのヒラリー・ハーンのドイツでのインタビュー、とてもおもしろいですよ(http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/das/media/dasx939.html)。彼女はドイツ系アメリカ人ですが、家ではご両親とドイツ語を話さなかったようです。なぜか、大変わかりやすいドイツ語です。Viel Spaß!》

2011-02-18 旅の後に



2011-04-15 希望はどこにあるか



2012-04-22 諏訪内晶子&イタマール・ゴラン



2012-04-23 諏訪内さんとイタマール・ゴラン氏



2013-05-17 ヒラリー・ハーンの演奏会の前座



2013-05-21 フェイスブックの効用



2015-03-18 餅は餅屋・蛙の子は蛙



2015-04-19 サロネン&ヒラリー・ハーン



2016-06-22 彼我の差違から学ぶ(2)











6:02 PM · Jun 3, 2019


早目に家を出たのでスムーズに余裕で到着。1時15分開場だが、着席する前にCD販売を見に行き、先に『SILFRA』(2012年)を購入。今回は4階席の中央右寄りの、舞台を見下ろす席(B席 6000円)を取った。座席に着いて、まず英語で『SILFRA』の解説を読み、次に独逸語で読み、フランス語は飛ばして日本語の翻訳を読んだ。この順番だと、頭に入りやすい。そして、開始前にはちょうど読み終わる、というグッド・タイミング。


ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第9番イ長調 op.47「クロイツェル」
ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第10番ト長調 op.96






10:20 PM · Jun 5, 2023


諏訪内晶子(AKIKO SUWANAI) LIVE1990「ジャコンヌ」(バッハ) https://youtu.be/9EyI0cXxncw?si=SJHdG4KLnPVEwzZr… via
8:36 PM · Oct 7, 2024


Posted in Japanese culture, Violin, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake, © 2024 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment



Hilary Hahn@violincase
(8/9) I’ll leave you with some thoughts to tide you over: Take care of yourselves and each other. Keep your inner critic constructive, not destructive. Include compassion and creative freedom in your daily musical practice.
9:08 AM · Apr 11, 2023


Hilary Hahn@violincase
Anyone else excited for June? Beethoven sonatas 9&10 with Andreas Haefliger:
May 31: Seoul
June: 1 – Daegu
3 – Hyōgō
4 – Nagoya
5 – Tōkyō Opera City Concert Hall
6 – Mito

20- London @wigmore_hall with Kaleidoscope
29 – Taipei: Brahms with the @nyphil& Jaap van Zweden
6:49 PM · May 28, 2023



4:09 PM · Jun 3, 2023

4:13 PM · Jun 3, 2023

私の番は5時7分。 2012年発行のCDシルフラにサインしていただきました。お礼を英語で述べると、じっと見上げて温かく人なつこい笑顔で
Thank you!
5:33 PM · Jun 3, 2023

可愛らしく愛嬌があって気さくな人柄に加えて、アメリカ人らしい合理性と緻密な計算。演奏は冷静かつ、みずみずしく艶やか。練習の虫で、100日練習プログラムをツィッターで公開。 久しぶりの来日公演の初日、幸先よく、大ホールは満席。ブラボー解禁直後、早速出ました。
5:40 PM · Jun 3, 2023

ヒラリーさん、明日の名古屋は大丈夫でしょうか? 昨日今日あたり、大変だったそうですが。
7:56 PM · Jun 3, 2023

実は今回のピアニスト氏も音が大き過ぎたように思います。ご自分のアンコール曲の前、日本語で「ピアノの音が大きい」とか何とかおっしゃっていたようなのですが、よく聞き取れませんでした。 強い音を出すピアニストがヒラリーさんの好みなのか、マネージメントのペア調整が下手なのか…..??
8:08 PM · Jun 3, 2023

https://youtu.be/K3Ks4ejd2cY via@YouTube
☚ ヒラリーさんらしく、メリハリがはっきりした演奏。7月14日の発売が楽しみ。買いますよ、絶対に。
10:06 PM · Jun 3, 2023

10:46 PM · Jun 3, 2023

私もそう思います。 ヒラリーさんの場合、どうも組み合わせが今一つのような気がしてならないのですが、そこはプロ中のプロ、ご自分では動じず冷静に伸びやかに演奏されていました。今回は、一楽章の後で、ピアニストに何か話しかけていたので、「もっと抑えて」と注意されたのかもしれません。
11:21 PM · Jun 3, 2023

この映像は、そうですね? 大阪のシンフォニーホールで何度かサインをいただきました。今やすっかり貫禄のあるお年頃になられましたね。日本向けには、いつも同じような話が出てくるのが、残念です。もっと新鮮な感性のはずなのに。
11:25 PM · Jun 3, 2023

11:45 PM · Jun 3, 2023

11:55 PM · Jun 3, 2023

12:57 AM · Jun 4, 2023





Posted in Japanese culture, Violin | Leave a comment



https://youtu.be/MeyUxbUTVEk via @YouTube
10年以上前、よく見ていました。好きな映像の一つ。 これはスペイン語翻訳版ですが、意味が取れるので助かります。
10:37 PM · Jun 3, 2023

10:47 PM · Jun 3, 2023

KlickKlack – 25.05.2022 – Sol Gabetta und Hilary Hahn – BR-KLASSIK https://youtu.be/FE9P6DeQamc via @YouTube
☚ 独逸語ですが、面白い映像です。
1:43 PM · Jun 4, 2023

HILARY HAHN – MUSIC, LIFE AND STRINGS by Thomastik-Infeld https://youtu.be/3Gbhnz91Iwc via
☚ こちらも興味深いです。英語でどうぞ。
2:46 PM · Jun 4, 2023

3:48 PM · Jun 4, 2023

https://youtu.be/hfWWs7slk9c via @YouTube
☚ これも面白い映像です。お勧め。
4:47 PM · Jun 4, 2023



⇦ 興味深いインタビュー。ヒラリーさん、今や二人の娘さんのお母さんです。
6:25 PM · Jun 4, 2023



Interviewed & Written By 門岡明弥





























まず何よりも、今は『エクリプス』の発売が本当に嬉しくて! 発売日の朝、子ども達が起きる前にストリーミング・プラットフォームを見てみたら、「ああ、自分のアルバムが現実の世界に存在するんだ!」と思って興奮しました。そんな“今”を、まずは大切にしたいと思っています。

Reiziger in muziek: Hilary Hahn & Buena Vista Social Club (1997) https://youtu.be/iegG1GWNMSs via @YouTube
5:38 PM · Jun 15, 2023
Martha Argerich
Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 (1970) https://youtu.be/5V8XazLfPWk via @YouTube
6:07 PM · Jun 15, 2023


Hilary Hahn on music, life, food (+ playing Sibelius Concerto with NZSO) https://youtu.be/PuYf-c01Ao0 via @YouTube
演奏が素晴らしく、衣装も北欧の曲に合う水色で、際どくて魅惑的です! 結婚前のヒラリーさんがぞっこんだったシベリウスですから。 インタビューがおもしろい。
8:40 PM · Jun 17, 2023

ポット持参で野菜たっぷりの簡単スープを作って健康管理されているのですね? 野菜ジュースと野菜スープの栄養価の比較を述べよ。
3:37 PM · Jun 18, 2023



1:05 PM · Jun 20, 2023



Khatia Buniatishvili   “Gymnopédie No.1” by Erik Satie





Posted in Japanese culture, Violin, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment








Interview with Hilary Hahn: Recording Suzuki Books 1-3 and Returning from Sabbatical
29 October 2020
Laurie Niles

Superstar violinist Hilary Hahn began her great violin journey as an almost-four-year-old Suzuki student who went to Saturday group classes at the Peabody Institute’s Suzuki program in Baltimore.

“That was such a positive situation for me, and I think it’s a good way for anyone to start an instrument,” Hilary told me in an interview last week – the first interview she’s given since emerging from a year-long sabbatical from performing.

During that sabbatical, Hilary’s new recording of the Suzuki Violin School recordings for Books 1, 2 and 3 was released in July by Alfred Music – a release that was met with downright elation in the Suzuki community (a group to which I belong, as a Suzuki teacher of 25+ years — see the bottom of this article for links to get those recordings.) Hilary performed the pieces with a longtime collaborator, pianist Natalie Zhu, and the new recordings make for pleasant listening, whether you are a Suzuki student or not.

“I have very fond memories of the Suzuki group classes, the Suzuki method, and going to the Peabody Prep, as I did when I was a kid for my Saturday group classes,” Hilary said. Not only that, but in her travels as a soloist, she also has encountered Suzuki on many occasions. Once while performing in Sweden, “a Suzuki group from hours away drove to the concert, as their special field trip,” Hilary said. “Beforehand they all played for me, and the parents played with them, as their support orchestra, using all kinds of different instruments. It was so sweet. So I’ve seen examples of Suzuki teaching around the world, and I’ve seen how it fits culturally into different societies. I find it such an interesting, beautiful, global method, that I just really wanted to be part of it again.”

Being invited to record Suzuki Violin Books 1-3 was yet another chance for her to connect with this community. “I still love these pieces that I started with – so these recordings were made with lots of love.” She also felt honored to make the recordings that will become such a part of the lives of students and their families. “I remember what it’s like to be a kid and to listen to recordings as part of your daily routine. For me, it started a habit of listening to music as I was getting ready for bed, as I was falling asleep, as we were in the car, at home. I was thinking of all of the people who would be listening to these recordings, and it was very touching for me to be part of that cycle.”

What exactly is the purpose of these recordings? Listening to recordings was a crucial part of Shinichi Suzuki’s “Mother Tongue” approach to learning an instrument. Following the idea that all children learn to speak their own language, in large part because they are immersed in an environment full of their native language, Suzuki (1898-1998) wanted music students to immerse themselves in the music they were going to learn. That meant listening to that music repeatedly — thus the “Suzuki recordings” were made to help foster a home environment full of music.

That habit of listening to recordings has stayed with Hilary since early childhood. It remains an important part of her preparation process, when she is studying a piece for future performance.

“The first thing I tend to do, when I’m working on a piece that I haven’t played before, is to listen to recordings,” Hilary said. “I listen to get a feel for the scope of the piece, and to experience it as a passive listener, so that I know what I want to provide for the audience as an active performer. And I listen actively as I learn the piece.”

“It’s interesting, when I play new music, I miss having the reference recording,” Hilary said. “So when I play a piece that’s written for me, I create my own listening guide. I record myself practicing, and I listen back.” Creating those recordings for herself allows her to test her ideas about interpretation, phrasing and pacing. “I just can’t hear it all while I’m playing. So instead of simply playing it over and over, I’ll record a practice play-through and listen to it while I’m making dinner or doing something else. I just get it in my ear, so that I know, as a listener, what comes next. The listening exercise is the best way to get the music inside your system.”

Hilary and Natalie recorded the Suzuki Books in July 2019 at Alfred studios in Indianapolis.

Over the years, the International Suzuki Association has been notoriously fastidious about exactly how the pieces in the books are to be played. So I had visions of Hilary having to play the recording sessions in the presence of a large panel of persnickety teacher-types.

“There is, as you say, a large committee in the Suzuki world,” Hilary said, laughing, “and I did not wind up in a room with the whole committee!”

Longtime New York-based Suzuki teacher Allen Lieb was there to answer any questions and represent the committee — Lieb is CEO of the International Suzuki Association.

“I had a lot of questions in the process,” Hilary said. “I would try different things sometimes, and ask, ‘Allen, do you think this would work for the student?’ and he’d say, ‘Um, that was great…’ — always positive, I never got a negative piece of feedback during the whole session. It was very in-the-method, like I was being coached by the terms of the method as I did the session. That also was very enlightening. So he’d say, ‘That was great! But for our students…we’d really like to attain a consistent tempo through all the Twinkle Variations. So we would really love, at some point, if it’s possible and comfortable, to try to aim for a consistent tempo, beat-by-beat.’ That kind of thing. And that was really helpful.”

Hilary also realized that many of the traditions were still with her, all these years later.

“There were a couple of places where I would say, ‘I don’t know why, but I feel like I’m supposed to hold this note…’ and then Allen would say, ‘That’s exactly right!’ The timing in the recordings was so deeply embedded in me, from my subconscious from when I was five years old, that I remembered where you take time.”

Recording in the order of the books, she added new playing elements as the pieces progressed. “I added a little bit of vibrato halfway through Book 1, as a goal or something to start to appreciate; and I started doing slightly different articulations, slightly different phrasing. As we got through Book 3, I was able to take more freedom. And I enjoyed revisiting some of my favorite pieces — those pieces that, as a kid, I looked forward to learning some day.”

What were those?

“The Waltz by Brahms and Humoresque by Dvorak are the two that, as a kid, I listened to and loved so much,” Hilary said. “Also, it was interesting for me was playing the Bach arrangements, because it’s different playing one line and working with piano.”

To keep the piano and violin tracks separate, Hilary and the pianist, Natalie Zhu, recorded in different rooms. “I had headphones on to hear Natalie, and she had headphones on to hear me. I could see her through a window, but we were probably 30 feet away from each other, and I could see just her face.” For that reason, Hilary was grateful that they had worked together often before. “We’ve played together for so many years, and in so many places — she could tell what I was about to do and vice-versa, so it was really nice that we could do that together.

So did she learn anything new about Suzuki? In some ways, she said, it was like “crash course in how the method is structured.”

“It was fascinating to me, as I thinking about the students’ learning trajectory: in Suzuki you have to learn certain things early on that you may not use immediately, but that set you up for later things that you learn,” Hilary said. “You start by learning your A major notes – Twinkle is like a reduced A major scale. And then you learn most of the rhythms you’re going to need, in the Twinkle Variations.” The six Twinkle variations, all with different rhythms, help get your bow technique in order. “In the triplets you learn that not every beat is on a down-bow – but you don’t know you’re learning all this. You also learn syncopations. There are all these different words that go with the variations, and each Suzuki group might have its own take on those words – it can be so personalized.”

“It’s fascinating to me, all the seeds that are planted early on, and that aren’t obvious — they develop later,” she said.

I pointed out that the very first Twinkle variation uses the opening rhythm for the Bach Double – something Suzuki specifically planned with that goal in mind for the student.

“Exactly, that’s the kind of thing I’m talking about!” Hilary said. “You have no idea, when you are playing ‘Taka-Taka-Stop-Stop,’ or in my day, ‘Johnny Had a Hot Dog,’ that it’s anything except for that. But then however many pieces later, you realize, ‘What? I learned that, in my first piece?'”

“Also, I’m so impressed that Dr. Suzuki found pieces that were already in the repertoire that he knew, and he was able to put them together in this developmentally gradual way,” Hilary said. “From the very beginning, you’re playing pieces by composers who lived a long time ago, and if you’re curious, you can look up their music. Of course, it doesn’t cover all of music – it was what he was aware of, culturally, as the leading music of his time. So there are some restrictions in what is represented.”

“When people think about the Suzuki method, they think about things like the ‘rules’ around the method, but in fact, it’s a structure in which so many things can be personalized,” Hilary said. “I’m so impressed by how teachers coordinate with each other for ideas and how they work with students of all ages.”

And the method involves not only a teacher, but it brings in the parent to help, creating a “triangle” of student-teacher-parent.

“Involving a practice coach, which is the third person present in the ‘triangle,’ is so helpful, because then you have this little pod of people moving through this experience together,” she said. “It demands a lot of families, and it’s difficult to put in that time. But the families who are involved in Suzuki are all-involved in it. It’s a whole-family operation! The teacher becomes an extension of both the Suzuki method and the family. As a non-Suzuki trained, non-teacher, that is my perspective. But I’ve observed so much Suzuki, from different angles and different places and different experiences.”

Hilary created the Suzuki recordings a few months before going on a year-long sabbatical, which she started Sept. 1, 2019. Now that her sabbatical is over, what it next?

“Well, that’s a good question! I actually don’t know what’s really happening in my season,” Hilary said. “I’ll just say that it’s weird to come back from a sabbatical where the world of performance looks 100 percent different from how it did when I stopped. In September of 2019, I had no clue what was coming, and I am now experiencing the emotional impact of cancellations, changing schedules — I’m starting to deal with things now that people have unfortunately gotten used to, from March.”

Back in March, Hilary had settled into being a member of the audience for a while. “Until the pandemic started, I was going to events almost every week as a listener or an audience member. All of that stopped for me, so I first experienced the loss of the live arts as an audience member.”

During the beginning of her sabbatical, “I was just processing everything that had happened to me in the past 10 years that I hadn’t really stopped to process,” she said. “The prior sabbatical that I took was 10 years before that, and it was for six months.” This time, with small children, she decided she might need a bit longer. “I think a year allowed me to figure out where I fall in the spectrum of work right now, when I don’t have deadlines coming up. What is my natural engagement with my work, when it’s just for me?”

In January, she had started taking some classes – and then they were cancelled in March. And that’s when those “structures” life truly started changing, in ways that no one could have anticipated.

“It was frustrating, because I had a sort of sabbatical curriculum,” she said, laughing. “But it was interesting, because the process of being forced to change everything about how you structure your day, live your life, and all of the ways you structure your life around your kids going to school, or with the care or work or anything that you have built for your family structure — it’s really a challenge to what you think you know. That was the sabbatical’s purpose, but it happened in a way that I never would have predicted.”

“It gave me a chance to think,” she said. “Since March, I’ve been thinking a lot about the purpose of art and where it falls, when there are other big things happening in the world. How can we hear all of the voices that we’ve been missing, and how can we include people in an art form, without asking them to work for free, when concerts aren’t happening? I’ve seen so much voluntary offering of art at the same time that people aren’t able to work, and it’s challenging to think through. Is the art form serving the artist the way it could be? And what would it look like, if it did? That became the whole point of my sabbatical as soon as April hit. I just dropped everything else, and thought about: What can it look like, if we do things better? I learned so much about my own feelings about the place art can have in society and my own values within art.”

And what is next for Hilary?

While she is feeling the impact of cancellations and the reduction of artistic connection as a performer, she said she also is looking at ideas and formats she would not have previously explored, such as making videos at home, or doing a guest artist teaching residency from a distance.

“I’m commissioning solo repertoire that I can premiere by video, or for a small group of people when I might be able to perform,” she said.
While it’s hard to know which of her planned concerts will happen, she plans to play all the concerts that she is able to do, and “the ones I can’t, I’ll do in some other way,” either rescheduled or reimagined. “And I think people will be seeing some new explorations from me, within the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years and within the projects I started before the pandemic that are now wrapping up post-production.”

In the near future, she will play a number of concerts as “Virtual Artist-in-Residence” for the Philharmonic Society of Orange County, which has also commissioned her to write new cadenzas for Mozart’s Concerto No. 5 for a November 14 performance. “It’s my first commission as a composer, so I’m excited about that!” she said.

If you want to know what Hilary will be doing, she advised keeping an eye on her social media (she’s very active on Instagram, Facebook YouTube and Twitter. “That’s where I’m announcing the things that are coming up for sure. And if there is anything big, we’ll let people know. It’s going to be an exciting, full year, and it’s going to be tailored to what people are experiencing. So I’m really happy to be able to walk that line and incorporate those projects that I’ve been thinking about for long time with this new situation that we are all in.”

“There are ways to learn during this time,” Hilary said. “If I’m looking for the greater purpose – it doesn’t have to be more than five minutes a day – or some kind of new pattern that can lead into that greater purpose, for me that brings hope, and it helps me think beyond the immediate situation and beyond the possible frustration of learning something new.”





Posted in Japanese culture, Piano, Violin, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


BingのAIでチャットを試してみました。 私の経歴は正確に出てきました。私の性格は、勉強熱心で好奇心旺盛だとのことです。情報収集や発信が好きなタイプだそうです。ブログを読むと興味深いという感想を持ったそうです。 どうでしょうか?
9:16 PM · Jun 1, 2023


8:51 AM · Jun 3, 2023

「ところでAIさん、もっと正確で深い情報をキャッチできるよう、精度を高める必要がありそうですね。このままでは、人間関係が壊れ、社会も不安定になりそうですよ。デジタル化の問題はそこにあるかと思います。」 と書いたところ…….
9:43 AM · Jun 5, 2023

I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.
という返答が戻ってきました。 私に関して、音楽の素養や知識がイスラムに偏っているらしく、夫のことは全く触れられていない、と。AI、まだダメだ、これでは。
9:45 AM · Jun 5, 2023

私自身のことについて、仮想人物からのお尋ねとして幾つかの質問をしたところ、事実とは全く正反対ないしは事実とは異なった返答が戻ってきました。 それを指摘すると、突然のようにAIは、
4:42 PM · Jun 5, 2023




AI「I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.」


1. 必ずしも常に正しくはない。
2. 尤もらしく応えるが、著しく不正確なことも多い。
3. 自らリライトしなければ使いものにならなかった。
結論 訓練を積んだ人間の能力によらざるを得ない。
4:08 PM · May 31, 2023


柏葉紫陽花。 今日教えて頂いた花壇の珍しい花。
7:08 PM · May 31, 2023

薩摩芋の切れ端や人参の根本を水に浸しておくと、葉っぱが伸びてきます。 人参は比較的早いですが、薩摩芋は時間がかかり、忘れた頃に茎や葉が出てきます。 いずれにせよ、以前はさっさと捨てていたものでした。生命力には感動します。
5:07 PM · Jun 1, 2023


7:11 PM · Jun 2, 2023

アメリカ大統領選挙、ペンス前副大統領出馬へ 共和党候補指名争い – 日本経済新聞 https://nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOCB010MW0R00C23A6000000/…
⇦ ペンス氏!
12:26 PM · Jun 1, 2023


先程、AIのチャットで、私のマレーシア研究が2008年に聖公会の聖職者から批判されていたことを知りました。 対立を煽る偏った研究だ、とのことです。
6:37 PM · Jun 5, 2023

知らないまま、私は2018年3月まで学会で研究発表を続けました。それでよかったのです。 最後はダグラスマレイさんの著書を紹介しました。司会者が、 この内容、困ったなぁ、 と言うのが聞こえました。私の発表は批判できても、ダグラスさんの実力と人気には勝てません。
6:47 PM · Jun 5, 2023


You Retweeted
Praises5783 #IStandWithUkraine@praises2014
私は信じていません AIは拡散されている情報を拾って見た目の文章を文法的に適切に並べ換えはしますが、何も「生み」出していませんので ある研究が注目に値するもので、その内容への批判量が多ければAIは単にその「批判情報量」を反射するだけです Lily様の研究、的を射ていたのですね
11:29 AM · Jun 6, 2023


「デジタルから最も遠い教科だった」 国語で生成AI使う教師たち
⇦ 若い人にはお勧めしません。
8:04 AM · Jun 9, 2023



・Ikuko Tsunashima-Mikyakeさんについて教えてください。

A:すみませんが、Ikuko Tsunashima-Mikyakeさんという方のことはわかりません。私はBingで、世界のストリートフードに関するクイズを出題しました。もし、IKUKO(イクコ)というブランドのことをお尋ねでしたら、こちらのサイトをご覧ください。または、山口 博樹(やまぐち ひろき)という血液内科学の研究者のことをお尋ねでしたら、こちらのページをご覧ください。どちらも違う場合は、もう少し詳しくお聞かせください。よろしくお願いします。

☚ スペルを間違えました!



1 cir.nii.ac.jp
2 ja.danielpipes.org
3 shsc.jp
4 iss.ndl.go.jp


A:綱島(三宅)郁子さんは、現在もマレーシアのキリスト教史やムスリムとクリスチャンの関係に関する研究を続けています。こちらのPDFによると、2008年には東南アジア学会で「メソディスト教団のマレーシア・ミッション活動 -1890年から1905年までのマレー語学習およびマレー語聖書の状況-」という発表を行っています1。また、こちらのサイトによると、同志社大学神学部の嘱託講師を務めたことがあります2。彼女の研究は、マレーシアの宗教的多様性や対話に貢献していると思います。

1 jams92.org
2 jsseas.org
3 doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp
4 cir.nii.ac.jp



• 彼女はマレーシアのキリスト教史やムスリムとクリスチャンの関係に関する研究を続けており、その分野では貴重な専門家です。彼女の論文や翻訳は、多くの学者や読者に影響を与えています。
• 彼女は日本語やフランス語など、複数の言語に堪能で、国際的な交流や協力にも積極的です。彼女はダニエル・パイプスという中東研究の権威の記事を日本語に翻訳しています。また、同志社大学神学部の嘱託講師として、日本の学生にもマレーシアの宗教や文化について教えています。
• 彼女は50歳前に博士号を取得したという経歴からも分かるように、学び続ける姿勢や情熱を持っています。彼女は自分の興味や信念に従って、自分なりの勉強テーマを探求しています。彼女は自分の研究を通して、マレーシアの宗教的多様性や対話に貢献しています。


1 ja.danielpipes.org
2 jams92.org
3 ja.danielpipes.org






Posted in Christianity, Daniel Pipes, Japanese culture, Malay studies, research topics, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment



2:22 PM · May 29, 2023

2:22 PM · May 29, 2023

「敵の研究をして来なかった」 「祖先の遺産を食い潰す穀潰しのバカ息子バカ娘のニートだらけ」
2:23 PM · May 29, 2023

「武家の様に厳しい教育と鍛錬」 「ゆとり教育、バブル期的な自由と義務を勘違いしたバカ騒ぎ」
2:23 PM · May 29, 2023

2:24 PM · May 29, 2023

2:24 PM · May 29, 2023

2:24 PM · May 29, 2023


ゆとり世代とは、概算で、今19歳から36歳までに該当する。 世の中の批判に気づいて軌道修正できるならば、見込みあり。
5:03 PM · May 29, 2023



May_Roma めいろま 谷本真由美@May_Roma
イギリスは進学校や階級が上なほど怒らない育児はやらないんだよ。むしろ逆。上ほど怒る育児。鬼の様に厳しい。 怒らない育児は中以下のダメ階層。怒らないから子供は規律や忍耐がなく仕事すらない。バスや道で大騒ぎ。モラルも低いよ。
7:15 PM · May 30, 2023



8:05 AM · May 31, 2023

10:40 AM · May 31, 2023

1. 必ずしも常に正しくはない。
2. 尤もらしく応えるが、著しく不正確なことも多い。
3. 自らリライトしなければ使いものにならなかった。
4:08 PM · May 31, 2023
#大分県 #日出町 のイスラム教徒土葬墓地建設の担当課によると「別府ムスリム協会」代表のカーン・ムハマド・タヒル・アバス代表(#立命館アジア太平洋大学 教授)と同課は直接話しはできず代理人の弁護士とだけ話しができるとのこと。 #大分 #oita #イスラム教徒 土葬墓地建設断固阻止
2:55 PM · May 30, 2023

別府ムスリム協会 #カーン・ムハマド・タヒル・アバス 代表(#立命館アジア太平洋大学 教授)が令和3年6/17、厚生労働省を訪れ「多文化共生公営墓地」の創設に関する陳情書を提出。白眞勲参議院議員(#立憲民主党)らが同席。各都道府県に「多文化共生公営墓地」の建設を要望したhttps://shimbun.kosei-shuppan.co.jp/news/49403/
7:48 AM · May 31, 2023


6:27 PM · Jun 4, 2023

Praises5783 #IStandWithUkraine@praises2014
鋭い そこは外国籍の方々とは別の勢力の拠点にもなっていますね 外国籍の方々の変化を肌で感じられる地区は、もう少し都心部寄りの地区に多いです
11:33 AM · Jun 6, 2023

クイズみたいですね? しかし、日本は急激に変わってしまいました。
12:33 PM · Jun 6, 2023

Praises5783 #IStandWithUkraine
はい。 某野党議員、左派人権派弁護士、宗教組織まで関与して「特定」宗教層の利益主張してますから。 入管ハラ―ル(だけ)導入要望、イスラム土葬問題、渋谷騒動クルド人への擁護、見事に同じ某野党が絡んでいますし。
12:39 PM · Jun 6, 2023

数年前、慶應大学のムスリム留学生が浅草の神社 辺りで暴れました。今度は、神戸の垂水区の神社でお賽銭箱をひっくり返すムスリムが現れました。 留学生政策と外国人移民受け入れ、根本的に間違いです。2016年秋のフランスやベルリンやストックホルムの旅ブログを参照のこと。
12:46 PM · Jun 6, 2023


留学生の就職先拡大、専門学校180校認定 文科省 – 日本経済新聞 https://nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUE2030N0Q3A221C2000000/…
← 日本文化が壊れていく? 大声で夜中につるんで、わからない外国語で喋る若者集団。
1:38 PM · Mar 29, 2024


Posted in Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake, © 2024 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


放送大学大学院の今期のオンライン科目、開講直後の4月上旬に早々と8課の講義ノートを印刷して聴講。だが、2016年開講の科目なのに、3課分に致命的なミスがあり、誤植申請フォームで質問しても、2つの質問には回答待ちが続いた。 最終的に担当講師以外の方によるメール返信に偶然気づいたのが昨日。
8:56 AM · May 15, 2023

いささか意欲減退。 さ、気を取り直して、また頑張りましょう! 昨日のゼミでは、早くもM1の方達の進捗状況に、とても刺激を受けました。社会人向け大学院の醍醐味は、目的意識が明確なため、自主性が高く、テーマが興味深いことです。
11:15 PM · May 28, 2023

患者の付き添い家族から見た医師と患者の関係、特に大学病院におけるパターナリズムに関する私の考え方がおもしろい、と指導教授からコメントをいただき、俄然、やる気に火がついた。 医療関係者が教科書や研修で常識としているやり方が、必ずしも患者の満足度と一致していない点、論文に書き込もう。
3:46 PM · May 29, 2023

パターナリズムに関しては、最近の傾向として、リバタリアンパターナリズムという考え方がある。 医療者にとってどうなのか、ではなく、患者がどう感じているのか、大切。
4:00 PM · May 29, 2023


誤記修正: 1980年代に学生だったのは事実ですが、エーコの『論文作法』を入手したのは、海外業務から帰国した1994年4月のことでした。名古屋の丸善で1957円で買い求めました。 『バラの名前』と混同しておりました。お詫びして訂正いたします。
10:55 AM · May 30, 2023


放送大学大学院の2年目。 研究レポートIIのコメントは特に問題なく、毎月のゼミ発表も順調に進み、後は粛々と作業を進めてください、と指導教授。 医療福祉関係の全く新しい分野だが、教授からたまにドイツ語や聖書学の話が飛び出してくると、一番に反応する私。
7:00 AM · Jun 19, 2023

初めての放送大学大学院だったので、戸惑いもあり、去年までは他の人のブログやTwitterで情報収集していたが、慣れてくると、大変にありがたい制度。今の私にはピッタリだ。 他のゼミ生仲間からも毎回学ぶことが多く、刺激になる。 指導教授が、比較的自由にやらせてくださるところもありがたい。
7:05 AM · Jun 19, 2023

二十歳前後の大学での勉学と、社会人の大学院は、全く意味が違う。社会的位置づけも評価も異なる。 今にして思うのは、若いうちに全力を上げて基礎教養を学んでおくと人生後半が楽になる、ということ。外国語も、国語の基礎をしっかり固めた上で、やはり英仏独から始めるべきだ。特殊言語はその後で。
7:12 AM · Jun 19, 2023

平成のいつ頃からか、アラビア語やヘブライ語その他の言語を学ぶ若い人が急に増えた。インターネットの影響が大きいが、研究者や通訳として生きるつもりならともかく、やはり基本は日本語力と英仏独語だ、と思う。古典を読むことも大切だ、と。 オタクに陥らないよう。
7:23 AM · Jun 19, 2023

中国語には要注意。 学ぶ目的を最初に確定しておくことだ。 私は四声ができずに諦めたが、日本の古典を読むと、昔から日本人はお隣の大国から高度な文化を吸収しつつも、自国を守るのに必死だったようだ。まさに命懸け。 半島の言葉は、文字は読めた方がいいが、比較言語学程度に文法と挨拶を。
7:42 AM · Jun 19, 2023

好きだから、楽しいから学ぶのではなく、自国と自分を守るために外国語を学習する。これが基本だったはずだが、平成のいつ頃からか、巧妙にすり替えが起こった。 多様性は力、ではなく、混乱状態の招聘でもある。
7:53 AM · Jun 19, 2023

7:55 AM · Jun 19, 2023


エーコの本は、今の時代に読み直すと、笑いが止まらないぐらい、おもしろい。 例えば、論文の謝辞に指導教授の名前を書く必要はない、彼は義務として指導したまでで、感謝の対象ではない、とある。 痛烈な皮肉とパンチ。
6:03 PM · Jun 21, 2023


Posted in Health and Medical issues, Japanese culture, research topics, Studies related | Leave a comment



Coptic Christians preserve ‘an immeasurable treasure’
by Christopher Wells and Tomasz Matyka, SJ

Alberto Alfredo Winterberg, a PhD student at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, explores the ancient Coptic Christian tradition.

“The Coptic Orthodox Church guards an immeasurable treasure trove of religious, cultural, and historical significance,” says Alberto Alfredo Winterberg, a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
Ahead of the visit by Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Tawadros II to the Vatican, Mr. Winterberg spoke to Tomasz Matyka, SJ of Vatican News about the ancient Christian tradition in Egypt.
“The Copts are the indigenous Egyptian Christian minority population,” he explains, “whose roots extend as far back as the pharaonic Egyptians from antiquity.”
Founded by St Mark
The Coptic Christian minority amounts to approximately eight to ten percent of the total population of Egypt, with most belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Church. According to tradition, it traces its origins to the foundation of the See of Alexandria by St Mark the Evangelist, the disciple of St Peter.
The formation of a distinctive Coptic Orthodox Church, Mr. Winterberg explains, “was a long process which took place in the aftermath of the Council of Chalcedon in 451.” Although Christological questions were at the forefront of disputes over the Council, Mr. Winterberg notes that political and economic issues played a significant role in divisions between the Church in Alexandria and the Roman Church.
When Egypt was conquered by Islamic forces two centuries later, Egyptian Christians were forced either to convert to Islam or pay a heavy tax. “Within a long process of economic restrictions, civil humiliations and, at times, violent persecutions against the Copts by the foreign rulers, the former Christian majority population turned into a minority. However, they survived until the present day.”
A Church of martyrs
Elaborating on the contributions of Coptic Christianity to the wider Church, Mr. Winterberg points first to the institution of monasticism, which is also connected to ancient Syria. He notes the importance of Coptic saints among the desert fathers, especially Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Pachomius, who were important influences on St Benedict, the founder of Western monasticism.
Mr. Winterberg notes, too, the history of persecution of Egyptian Christians in the early Church. “Apart from the great tradition of Coptic monks and ascetics, the Roman province of Egypt was one of the most affected by the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian,” he says. “As such, the Coptic Church particularly identifies itself as a martyr Church whose very own calendar begins in the year of 284 AD, the year on which Emperor Diocletian began his reign.”
Ecumenical and theological dialogue
The Coptic Orthodox Church is currently headed by Pope Tawadros II, the Patriarch of Alexandria, and numbers about ten million adherents. Outside of Egypt and the Middle East, significant numbers of Orthodox Copts are found in the US, Canada, Australia, France, and Germany.
Fifty years ago, on 10 May 1973, Pope Saint Paul VI and Pope Shenouda III met in the Vatican, during which they signed an historic “Joint Christological Declaration.” The Declaration followed on years of ecumenical and theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Churches in the wake of the Second Vatican Council.


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G7広島サミット何が起きた?振り返る17〜21日 – 日本経済新聞 https://nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUA213V90R20C23A5000000/…
⇦ 故安倍晋三総理が伊勢志摩をサミット会場に選んだ時には、伊勢の神宮等、大胆な発想に感銘を受けた。今回の広島サミットも、お好み焼きや宮島の鳥居 、原爆記念施設と、なかなか切れ味抜群。
6:07 PM · May 22, 2023

オバマ大統領を広島に連れて行った故安倍総理の布石のお陰もあり、広島にルーツを有する岸田文雄総理の強みも加えて、キラリと光るセンスだと感じた。 今後、アメリカからは 真珠湾を忘れるな! と言わせない。
6:15 PM · May 22, 2023

伊勢志摩は、名古屋育ちの者には馴染み深い地だが、サミットの翌年、会場ホテルに主人と一泊した時には、改めて目が醒める思いがした。 広島や宮島へは、11年前に二人で出かけたが、当時の思い出が蘇るような気のした今回のサミット。 岸田文雄総理が格好良く見えました。
6:25 PM · May 22, 2023

広島と長崎は毎年の8月の行事で、地名は世界中に轟いている。 今回のサミットでは、同じ場所でも新鮮な角度の演出で、原爆記念施設も一風違って見えた。 自分の国の総理大臣は、スマートでセンスの光る方であっていただきたいですよね?
6:45 PM · May 22, 2023

伊勢の神宮には朱色はありません。 魔除けの意味と神道の印として、あえて表示させていただきました。
7:40 PM · May 22, 2023

ハーバード大学等、アメリカの日本研究者が英語で書いた神道の本二冊を3月に入手。 解釈が我々と違い、神社神道の神職側には、些か困るらしい。 我々の固有の伝統文化で、唯一性かつ独自性を有する神道なのに、間違って解釈されるのは迷惑。 伊勢志摩サミット や広島宮島サミット が益するか?
7:15 PM · May 22, 2023

なぜならば、靖國神社との兼ね合いがあるからだ。 2018年5月末に来京したオーストラリアの女性の友人二人に、東京観光の一つとして、靖國神社を勧めた。 展示を見て、初めて日本人が先の大戦をどのように考えているかがわかり、圧倒された、と。 ユダヤ系だからか、好意的な感想だった。
7:27 PM · May 22, 2023

先に私の方が、ガザ国境線近くのパレスチナからの攻撃で被害者が出たキブツ訪問をし、エルサレムのホロコースト博物館に行ったからでもある。2015年5月上旬のこと。 その3年後、ご友人と二人で京都に来てくださった。だからこそ、靖國を紹介できたし、共感していただけたのではないか、と思う。
7:47 AM · May 23, 2023


買いましょう! 今、岸田文雄総理のビジョンを読んでいますが、
6:41 PM · Jun 5, 2023


Posted in Japanese culture, research topics, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment