
次の米国駐日大使は ラーム エマニュエル氏! 61歳 民主党 オバマ補佐官 シカゴ市長 日本は最大級の厳戒体制を。
10:09 AM · Aug 21, 2021

11:34 AM · May 3, 2023

7:02 PM · Apr 26, 2023

憲法記念日ということで、『日本をダメにした九人の政治家』を読了。当時、私は海外赴任から帰国した頃で、日本の政治状況は新聞を読む程度。何が何だかよくわからなかった、というのが実感。 読みながら、笑える箇所が何度も出現。 最近の若い政治家は、軒並みおとなしいか?
7:12 PM · May 3, 2023

7:20 PM · May 3, 2023

7:23 PM · May 3, 2023

7:27 PM · May 3, 2023

修正:「宮澤顕治」→ 「宮本顕治」
7:38 PM · May 3, 2023


産経新聞には、かつてレフチェンコが関与していたらしい。 卑弥呼なんて、論争が続いているだけで、議論好きな人がロマンを感じながら夢想しているだけで充分では? 今の学校教科書は、歴史の改竄中? 世代間の分裂を狙っている?
3:56 PM · Oct 6, 2023


Posted in Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment




三菱電機社長「品質体制をスコア付け」 関係会社も調査
2022年11月1日 21:00 [有料会員限定]



三菱電機、国際認証「IATF」取り消し 兵庫の車部品工場
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三菱電機、航空・防衛の規格認証が停止に 兵庫の工場
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三菱電機、執行役員に初の外国人 本部名に「防衛」
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三菱電機に業務停止命令 無線機器点検で電波法違反
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三菱電機、女性取締役3人に 過去最多で全体の4分の1
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三菱電機、関係会社5社で契約違反12件 不正調査区切り
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三菱電機、顧問制度を廃止 経営の透明性を向上
2023年5月2日 20:15 [有料会員限定]






「三菱電機「言ったもん負け」変える 品質不正の現場でー三菱電機、不正からの再起(1)」



「三菱電機、Z世代社員が驚く上意下達「殿はありえない」ー三菱電機 不正からの再起(2)」







三菱電機、Z世代社員が驚く上意下達「殿はありえない」 – 日本経済新聞 https://nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUC2938I0Z20C23A3000000/…

⇦ 社風の破壊記事。
12:04 PM · May 10, 2023











「管理職5000人と出直す 三菱電機社長が抱く危機感-三菱電機、不正からの再起(3)」




「目を覚ました「ゆでがえる」 三菱電機、再成長へ改革急ぐ-三菱電機、不正からの再起(4)」





パワハラを苦にした従業員の自殺や品質検査不正が発覚した三菱電機は、社員の意欲を高めるために人事制度改革を断行する。特集『部長・課長の残酷 給料・出世・役職定年』の#6では、改革の中身や部課長の年収などを明らかにする。(ダイヤモンド編集部 千本木啓文)














「三菱電機、豪と防衛装備開発 日本企業初の海外直接契約」





三菱電機、米軍レーダー製造に参画へ 海外開拓追い風




Posted in Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment

The fading Japanese Church


The fading Japanese Church, the growing Church in Japan
2 May 2023

This photo taken on Nov. 22, 2016, shows Oura church, or the Basilica of the Twenty-Six Holy Martyrs of Japan in Nagasaki. The Catholic Church today has a fading community of mostly aged Japanese while the other is a growing community of generally young immigrants who live their faith without reference to the evangelization of Japan. (Photo: AFP)

The number of foreigners living in Japan has reached an all-time high. According to the country’s Immigration Services Agency, more than three million aliens were living in Japan at the end of 2022.
In fact, the agency’s count of 3,075,213 is lower than the actual number because there are undocumented aliens in the country in addition to those who have been processed and recorded officially.
It has been projected that in half a century, nearly 11 percent of the population will be non-Japanese while the population overall will drop from the present 126 million to 87 million.
The largest groups of foreign residents are from China, Vietnam and South Korea. Others from the Philippines, Brazil and other countries of Latin America are reshaping the Catholic Church as they have become the majority of Japan’s Catholics.
For decades, Japan has resisted welcoming immigrants. Almost all the three million are in the country as students, trainees or specialists of one kind or other. However, many of them are in fact immigrants in all but name and legal status. They will remain in Japan either legally or illegally, and increasingly are starting families there, sometimes with Japanese partners.
Japan’s population is declining and the country desperately needs more people to maintain its economy and, as the population ages, the national health insurance system. Speaking at a press conference, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, “Time is running out to procreate.”

“Japanese society is not yet ready to welcome newcomers as potentially a part of a new Japanese people”

In fact, the number of births in 2022 dropped below 800,000 for the first time, eight years earlier than had been projected. Each year, about 50 schools are closed because of a shortage of children.
The number of residents aged 65 and over is expected to increase from 28.6 percent to 38.7 percent of the population by 2070.
Even with an unlikely increase in procreation Japan still needs millions of other people, immigrants. An “imported” three million is nowhere near the number the country needs.
However, even though it needs them Japanese society is not yet ready to welcome newcomers as potentially a part of a new Japanese people, one with a variety of ancestries and races.
The shortage of people is affecting all parts of Japanese society. Besides recording a record number of foreign residents, 2022 saw a record decline in the number of yakuza, organized crime gang members. According to the Japan Times, “The number of members and associate members investigated by police in 2022 fell below 10,000 for the first time since Japan enacted the anti-organized crime law in 1991.” Overall, the number of gangsters was 22,400 — a drop of 1,700 from the previous year.
Like the yakuza, Japanese members of the Catholic Church in their country are more and more becoming fewer and fewer. In fact, the majority of Japan’s Catholics are not Japanese. And given the decline in the Japanese population, the aging of congregations and disaffiliation from the Church by the shrinking pool of Japanese young people, the Catholic Church in Japan will remain a community of immigrants at least until the country finds some way to accept outsiders as a real part of Japanese society and culture.
How are those responsible for the management of the Catholic Church responding to this inevitability?
They are not, or, at least not in any way that indicates a creative long-term response.

“The formation of Japanese clergy does not include training in the languages and cultures of immigrants”

In the past, foreign missionaries were sought after and welcomed as agents for the evangelization of Japanese society. Linguistic and cultural training were essential prerequisites for engaging in that.
Today, bishops recruit clergy and religious from overseas for the sake of providing pastoral service to immigrant groups. They are not expected to acquire any skills, linguistic or otherwise, that would advance the integration of non-Japanese Catholics — either themselves or their congregations — as an evangelizing presence in Japanese society.
On the other side, the formation of Japanese clergy does not include training in the languages and cultures of immigrants for the provision of pastoral care and an introduction to evangelizing membership in Japanese society.
The result, with some local exceptions, is the presence of parallel Catholic Churches in Japan. One is a fading community of mostly aged
Japanese and the other is a growing community of generally young immigrants who live their faith without reference to the evangelization of Japan.
The pastoral agents in neither Church are able to bridge the linguistic and cultural differences because neither the imported agents nor the native clergy is expected or trained to do so. This delays the integration of newcomers into the Japanese Church and the revivification of that Church.
As is the case in many Asian societies, the Catholic Church in Japan is frequently viewed as an alien presence and shall in fact become one.
Instead, the Church could be a model of the sort of transition that Japanese society as a whole must make. Like Australia, Canada, the United States and other post-ethnic nations, Japan can become a nation with global ancestry.
The Church in Japan could show the benefits of mutual integration and a way to achieve it.
To do so, however, will require much more effort, creativity and openness than it presently musters.

*The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News.

Posted in Christianity, Japanese culture | Leave a comment


新型コロナ感染症の衰勢奉告祭の祝詞ができたそうです。 万葉仮名風に綴られ、古式ゆかしい調べとなっています。
4:09 PM · Apr 24, 2023

戦後の民主的風潮は、曲学阿世の学徒が横行し易い傾向にある。 昭和48年2月11日 財団法人神道文化会
6:37 PM · Apr 29, 2023

昭和46年7月8日 神社新報社  p.3
6:50 PM · Apr 29, 2023
10:24 AM · Apr 29, 2023
10:36 AM · Apr 29, 2023


1:23 PM · Apr 30, 2023


「神道の命運左右した「視察」 GHQに新嘗祭見せよ…占領政策から神社守った宮司の戦い」




















神道指令 昭和20年12月15日、GHQが政府に対して発した指令「国家神道、神社神道ニ対スル政府ノ保証、支援、保全、監督並ニ弘布ノ廃止ニ関スル件」の略称。ポツダム宣言で認められた「信教の自由」を前提に、政教分離を目的として出された。神社を国が管理する「国家神道」を廃止し、神社は宗教法人として存続することになった。


☚ 非現実的な平等主義
「日本學士院紀要」第50巻第2号 p.128
9:02 PM · Apr 29, 2023

『日本學士院紀要』第50巻第2号 p.128
9:07 PM · Apr 29, 2023

9:10 PM · Apr 29, 2023


スペインのレティシア妃が、平成期の美智子皇后さまや秋篠宮妃に対して、決然たる態度だったらしい話が、しばらく前に日本の一部で礼賛されていた。 偶然、スペイン語専攻でマドリード在住だった日本人女性の2012年から3年間綴った王室ブログを見つけた。
9:59 AM · May 9, 2023

それによると、レティシア妃の場合も、出自や経緯にいろいろあったようで、ある意味では、秋篠宮妃をどうこう言える立場ではないのでは?と感じた。 二十代から三十代にかけて、中級まではスペイン語の検定試験に合格した。なので、何となく王室の裏事情が伺える。
10:06 AM · May 9, 2023

結局のところ、現代では皇室や王室の在り方が、どこでも難しいという結論に落ち着く。 階級や出自を超えて恋愛至上の個人主義でいくのか、それとも伝統を守って形式を重視していくのか、という…。 スペインに関しては、あまり日本の参考にはならない。カトリック教会の権威もガタ落ち。
10:13 AM · May 9, 2023

昭和時代には、皇室に関して滅多に心配することもなく、安心して過ごせたが、他方、秋篠宮家の問題が表面化したために、皇統譜全体について自分なりに勉強する必要性に迫られた、とも言える。 また、平成期に突然、あれ程人気の高かった雅子妃に対する酷いバッシングや皇太子不要論等、
1:59 PM · May 9, 2023

突然、識者と言われる言論人からも訳の分からない本が出たりして、びっくり仰天。 気になって調べてみたところ、恐ろしい組織工作のような印象を受けた。 唯一の慰めは、こんなことでもなければ、皇室や皇統について無知なままだっただろうことだ。
2:04 PM · May 9, 2023


三笠宮妃百合子殿下、80歳ぐらいにお見受けいたします。 長年、大変なご苦労続きだったにも拘わらず、穏やかでお健やかで、お言葉も温かく…..。 貞明皇后陛下から直々に細やかにお教えいただき、大変にありがたいこととおっしゃっていました。
9:58 AM · Jun 5, 2023


戦後の国語改革について、米国側は成功した、と評価。日本の中学教師は、国語改革のために学力が低下し、古典が読めなくなった、と反論。 それに対して米国側は、民主主義の国は教育の質が低下しており、学力低下は民主主義自体の問題だ、と答えた。
占領下の教育改革と検閲 1987年 p.236
8:44 PM · Jun 19, 2023

従って、民主主義の礼讃者は、同時に学力低下や教育の質が下がることを望んでいる、という意味になる。 当時のアメリカ人は日本語があまり出来なかったから、自分達のレベルまで勝手に日本語の質を引き下げた。勝者が敗者の言語を改悪した。 格調高い日本語を取り戻しましょう!
8:49 PM · Jun 19, 2023

マークゲインのニッポン日記には、神道は一番薄気味悪い発明品である、と書いてあるそうだ。 では、サンマリノに今やサンマリノ神社 が建てられたことは、尚更薄気味悪いのでは? ご意見求む。
9:05 PM · Jun 19, 2023


9:00 AM · Mar 30, 2024


Posted in Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake, © 2024 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


月刊文藝春秋(文藝春秋 電子版)@gekkan_bunshun

#庄司紗矢香 #カミュ #私の人生を決めた本
5:04 PM · Apr 19, 2023


Sayaka Shoji und die zart-abgründige Intensität und Weltentrücktheit
Geschrieben von Frank-Peter Hansen
Freitag, 28. April 2023

Es ist eine ganz seltene Erfahrung, dass Soloinstrumentalisten sich selbst während ihres Spiels vergessen machen. In der Regel ist es ja vielmehr umgekehrt so, dass Solisten qua Solisten sich in den Vordergrund spielen, weil sie sich ohnehin genau dort von Berufs wegen befinden.

Aber um dieses an Äußerlichkeiten Maß nehmende Vergessen soll es im Folgenden gar nicht gehen. Es handelt sich vielmehr darum, dass Solisten in und während ihres Spiels quasi in ihrem Instrument verschwinden und in diesem Verschwinden sich an den ideellen Ort der Entstehung der jeweiligen Komposition begeben, die sie in statu nascendi zum Erklingen bringen.

Es entsteht der Schwindel erregende Eindruck, als würde die Violine, um die es hier geht, mit einem Eigenleben begabt, als würde der Solist sich selbst überflüssig machen, indem er sein Innerstes in das Instrument transferiert, das nun seinerseits das Innerste der Komposition zum Erklingen bringt.

Diesen Eindruck, der einen an seinen Sinnen und schlimmstenfalls an seinem Verstand zweifeln lässt, hatte ich, als ich von der Interpretation des Brahms`schen Violinkonzerts in D-Dur, op. 77 mit dem CityMusic Cleveland Chamber Orchestra unter der Leitung von Avner Dorman und der japanischen Solistin Sayaka Shoji aus dem Jahr 2015 mit tränenfeuchten Augen überwältigt wurde. Und dies noch nota bene: Diese YouTube-Einspielung ist von keinen lästigen und stets für Verärgerung sorgenden Werbeunterbrechungen zersplittert.

Die von Joseph Joachim stammende Kadenz Ende des ersten, Allegro non troppoüberschriebenen, Satzes ist für mein Empfinden, aller selbstredend vorhandenen melodisch-harmonischen Bezüge zu dem fast 20-minütigen, exzessiv-emotionalen ‚Vorspiel‘ zum Trotz, ein kleines, nicht weniger gefühlshaft aufgeladenes Konzert innerhalb des großen. Der Moment aber, in dem das zunächst vom Fagott und dann von den Blechbläsern dominierte Orchester sich wieder hinzugesellt, ist in seiner tastenden Innigkeit des Zwiegesangs von einer unerhörten Eindringlichkeit, und zwar vor allem deswegen, weil diese Virtuosin sie ihr mit ihrem elfenhaft zarten, verschwebend-unwirklichen Spiel zu geben vermag. Von dem sich unverhofft einstellenden furiosen Sich-Aufbäumen, dieser dramatisch zugespitzten, berauschenden Gefühlsintensität des finalen Ausklangs ganz zu schweigen.

Und nun gar das einer Liebeserklärung Sprache gebende zarte Adagio des zweiten Satzes, dieser herzinnige, ungeheuer berührende Dialog zwischen der Oboe und der Solovioline ist in dieser Einspielung von einer betörenden Schönheit, die wiederum, nicht zuletzt und vor allem, dem gebannt in dieses sich hingebende Gefühl hineinhorchenden, sich darin verlierenden Spiel Sayaka Shojis geschuldet ist.

Das Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace überschriebene Rondo, der sich wie toll gebärdende und sich in Kapriolen überschlagende und sich zweimal in exzessiv-schauerliche Dissonanzen hineinsteigernde Finalsatz mit seinem ungarischen Tanzthema ist in seiner Essenz mehr als bloß spielerisch-spaßhaft-fröhlich-lebendig. Weil er immer wieder – ein partieller danse macabre im Sibeliusschen Sinne – ins Irr-Zugespitzte eskaliert. Dass dieses Verzweifelt-Ausweglose – ein schriller Hilfeschrei – einem durch Mark und Bein fährt, verdankt sich erneut dem weltentrückten spielerischen, bei Bedarf aber mit aller Entschiedenheit auftrumpfenden und sich machtvoll Gehör verschaffenden Extremvermögen dieser in ihrem Spiel so ungeheuer variablen und äußerst fein nuancierenden Violinistin.

Es ist nicht anders, diese sich selbst in ihrem Spiel ganz und gar zurücknehmende Virtuosin – in Abwandlung eines mündlich geäußerten Satzes von Hegel ließe sich sagen, dass alles, was in ihrem Spiel seinen Bezugspunkt bei ihr, also der Solistin, habe, sei falsch – entführt und geleitet einen mit ihrer Geige an den Quellpunkt allen musikalischen Geschehens, dorthin, wo der Komponist sich aufgehalten haben mag, als er die Sprache der Töne für das ihn zutiefst Berührende gefunden hat. Übrigens auch und nicht zuletzt – omnia et ubique, weil beispielsweise, pars pro toto, mit gleichem Recht die Einspielung des 2. Violinkonzerts in g-Moll, op. 63 von Sergei Prokofjew zu nennen wäre – in ihrer atemberaubend-überwältigenden Tonkunstausdeutung des Sibelius’schen Violinkonzerts in d-Moll, op. 47, auf die und deren Bach-Zugabe – was die Hilary Hahn-Assoziation wachruft – ich hier mit einem Gefühl tief empfundener Dankbarkeit hinweisen möchte.
Auch wenn ich mir nicht versagen kann, die Tatsache mehr als bloß zu bemängeln, dass ausgerechnet diese ungeheuer fulminante, mitreißende, atembenehmende, außer Rand und Band- Einspielung mit einem fantastischen Orchester unter der Leitung Lahav Shanis – eine musikalische Kostbarkeit, die ihresgleichen sucht – durch eine Unzahl von Werbeunterbrechungen etwas von einem angstvollen Spießrutenlaufen deswegen und darüber hinaus hat, weil diese frech-aufdringlichen und marktschreierischen Anpreisungen von nichtswürdigem Firlefanz unvermittelt über den Zuhörer kommen. Die schlimmste Unzumutbarkeit aber besteht darin, dass unmittelbar vor der Flageolett-Passage des Finalsatzes dieser Werbeirrsinn tatsächlich das Potenzial dafür besitzt, schlechtweg alles zu zerstören, was dieser musikalische Kontrapunkt an zart-abgründiger Intensität und Weltentrücktheit, die Sayaka Shoji in diesen wenigen Sekunden tief anrührende Traum-Wirklichkeit werden lässt, heraufbeschwört.

Apropos Flageolett und jetzt wirklich zum Beschluss: Wie es doch so schwebend-leicht-erdenfern, so elfenklangartig-betörend-geisterhaft klingt zum Finale des ersten und des dritten Satzes von Prokofjews 1. Violinkonzert in D-Dur, op. 19 in der Einspielung mit dem State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia unter der Leitung von Mark Gorenstein, gerade so, als ob Sayaka Shoji mit ihrer Geige, dem übrigens herausragenden Orchester und überhaupt mit allem eins werde, und also für diese der Zeit enthobenen Minuten ihres Auftritts als Individuum zu existieren aufgehört hätte… Eventuell wird der fassungslos und überwältigt Lauschende zu so etwas wie einem musikalischen Zeitzeugen, weil die Philosophen des antiken Griechenland sich die Harmonie der Sphären exakt so vorgestellt haben mögen.

Eine aussagekräftige Randnotiz möge hier noch Platz finden: Die Sonate für Klavier und Violine Nr. 9 in A-Dur, op. 47 von Ludwig van Beethoven, also die sogenannte Kreutzer-Sonate mit dem Pianisten Gianluca Cascioli, die hier gleichfalls verlinkt ist, führt eines glasklar vor Augen: Dass selbst die für das Umblättern der Noten des Pianofortes zuständige Frau im Hintergrund dem Sog des Spiels – also diesem musikalischen Ausnahmezustand – hingebungsvoll und ihrer selbst gänzlich unbewusst – sie ist eine Mitgenommene und in Liebe Entführte – erlegen ist. Und wie auch nicht?!
Es ist nicht anders: Diese Violinistin ist ein Geschenk von ganz weit her!
Sayaka Shoji und die zart-abgründige Intensität und Weltentrücktheit

– Brahms: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 (43:30 Min.)
– Sayaka Shoji plays Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 63 (27:43 Min.)
– Sayaka Shoji with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra – Sibelius Violin Concerto (42:39 Min.)
– Sayaka Shoji plays Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, Op. 19 (23:31 Min.)
– Sayaka Shoji and Gianluca Cascioli play Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major, Op. 47 “Kreutzer” (36:15 Min.)

(Das Ende)




Sayaka Shoji@SayakaShoji
The #Schumann #ViolinConcerto is one of my most favorite… I had the pleasure to play it with the hr-Sinfonieorchester & #ConstantinosCarydis, last January, in Alte Oper Frankfurt.


Schumann: Violinkonzert ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Sayaka Shoji ∙ Constantinos Carydis
Robert Schumann: Violinkonzert d-Moll ∙ I. In kräftigem, nicht zu schnellem Tempo 00:00 ∙ II. Langsam 15:13 ∙ III. Lebhaft, doch nicht schnell 20:53 ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony ∙ Sayaka Shoji, Violine ∙ Constantinos Carydis, Dirigent ∙



Posted in Shoji Sayaka, Violin, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake, © 2024 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment





キリスト教史学会『キリスト教史学 = The journal of history of christianity』編集委員会(編)第64巻 2010年7月 pp.337~339

・「メソディスト教団のマレーシア・ミッション活動 : 1890年から1905年までのマレー語学習およびマレー語聖書の状況」(第80回研究大会報告)
『東南アジア学会会報』第90号 2009年5月 p.13

・「マレーシアにおける諸宗教間対話の試み–ハンス・キュンクのグローバル倫理とコンラート・アデナウア財団」(特集 グローバル化とマレーシア)
『マレーシアレポート』国際経済労働研究所(編)第2(2)号(通号 5号)2009年 pp.23~45

・「マレーシアにおけるムスリム・クリスチャン関係史 : マレー語聖書とマレー語版キリスト教文献を焦点に」(自由研究発表要旨,第79回研究大会報告)
『東南アジア学会会報』第89号 2008年11月 p.14

キリスト教史学会『キリスト教史学 = The journal of history of christianity』編集委員会(編)第62巻 2008年7月 pp.278~280

・「ムスリム・クリスチャン関係の理論的背景と展望–マレーシアを事例として」(特集 宗教とマレーシア)
『マレーシアレポート』国際経済労働研究所(編)第1(3)号(通号 3号)2008年 pp.7~23

・「相互理解かそれとも不寛容か? : マレーシアにおけるイバン語聖書禁止・解除事件の影響と含意について」(テーマ論文 一神教における対立と対話)
同志社大学一神教学際研究センター 2005年2月28日
『一神教学際研究 = Journal of the interdisciplinary study of monotheistic religions : JISMOR』(1) 2005年 pp.21~60

・「マレーシアにおけるキリスト教とマレー (シア) 語の関係」
『多言語社会研究会年報 : 2001大阪研究大会』多言語社会研究会事務局 第1号 2003年



アジア・エートス研究会(編)『アジア・エートス研究会 : その四十年の軌跡』あるむ出版(2003年5月)出版地:名古屋





Posted in Christianity, Malay studies, research topics, Studies related | Leave a comment





Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez †
Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Alberto Magno

22 Apr 1932 Born in Sungai Patani, Kedah Malaysia
10 Dec 1966 Ordained Priest:Priest of Penang, Malaysia
29 Sep 1977 Appointed   :Bishop of Penang, Malaysia
17 Feb 1978 Ordained Bishop:Bishop of Penang, Malaysia
2 Jul 1983  Appointed :Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
24 May 2003 Resigned :Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19 Nov 2016 Elevated to Cardinal
19 Nov 2016 Appointed :Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Alberto Magno
21 Nov 2016 Installed :Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Alberto Magno
28 Oct 2020 Died in Cheras :Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

MicroData Summary for Anthony Soter Fernandez
Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez (born 22 Apr 1932, died 28 Oct 2020) Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur


Keeping alive legacy of Malaysia’s first cardinal

A book recalling the vision and contributions of Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez was published in Selangor on March 31
Archbishop Anthony Soter Fernandez of Kuala Lumpur on the day he became a cardinal during a consistory at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Nov. 19, 2016. (Photo: AFP)

by UCA News reporter
4 April 2022

The legacy of Malaysia’s first cardinal, Anthony Soter Fernandez, has been brought alive in the form of a book containing tributes and memories of people from all walks of life.
The book, titled The Cardinal: The Life and Times of His Eminence Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez, was launched in Selangor near the national capital Kuala Lumpur on March 31 in the presence of church leaders, family members and friends, the Herald Malaysia reported on April 1.
“Cardinal Soter’s vision was so pastorally oriented as leader of the Church, not only in Malaysia but also in the region,” said author E. Samson, who spearheaded the book project sponsored by the Catholic Research Center in Kuala Lumpur.
“He had a vision that was so farsighted. He didn’t think in a singular way but thought holistically. He didn’t just have one focus in mind, he had many things that built up the Church.”
Retired Brigadier General Richard Robless said Cardinal Soter was a pioneer of Catholic education in Malaysia, recalling how a conference of Catholic educators, religious teaching congregations and laypersons convened by him in 1987 led to the formation of the Malaysian Catholic Education Council and, subsequently, the birth of the archdiocese’s agenda in private education.
The first Stella Maris school opened its doors in 1994 in Jalan Robertson, Pudu. Encouraged by the success of this first school, Cardinal Soter initiated the incorporation of the Yayasan Tan Sri Dominic Vendargon Foundation, which now owns and operates four private schools, including one that offers an international curriculum.

“Let us continue to keep alive this legacy that Cardinal Soter has left us … Interfaith dialogue and ecumenism were foremost in Cardinal Soter’s mind to build the Church and to contribute to the growth of this nation”

“This is his legacy. This is his testament. And while we may have lost our mentor, we look at what he has left and stand thankful and grateful to God for this great and loyal servant of his,” the former military officer said.
Archbishop Julian Leow of Kuala Lumpur said he hopes the book will serve as a historic legacy for the younger generation and for those who may not have had the opportunity of knowing Cardinal Soter.
“Let us continue to keep alive this legacy that Cardinal Soter has left us. Let it not die but let it continue to grow and to bloom … Interfaith dialogue and ecumenism were foremost in Cardinal Soter’s mind to build the Church and to contribute to the growth of this nation,” the prelate said.
Born on April 22, 1932, Soter Fernandez was ordained a priest in 1966 in Penang Diocese. He became bishop of the diocese in 1978.
Pope John Paul II appointed him archbishop of Kuala Lumpur on July 30, 1983. He retired on May 24, 2003.
During his two decades as the archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, he spearheaded the Second Vatican Council’s idea of aggiornamneto (updating) of the Church. He initiated the Renewal Parish Project in 1983.
Cardinal Soter was a leading figure on the Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism, serving as its president in 2001.
He strongly promoted interreligious dialogue and made efforts to engage with Islam in the Muslim-majority nation.
The cardinal was a vocal critic of detentions without trial and declared as “immoral” the Internal Security Act of Malaysia that empowered authorities to detain suspects without criminal charge and hold them without trial.
He was chairman of the human development office of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) and the national bishops’ conference’s commission for interreligious affairs.
Pope Francis named him a cardinal in November 2016.
Cardinal Soter died on Oct. 28, 2020, aged 88 after battling tongue cancer.

上記のHis Eminence Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandezには、2001年の9.11米国同時多発テロ事件の約一ヶ月前、クアラルンプールの大司教館で表敬訪問(面会)したことがある。非常に穏やかな方で、「どこで英語を習ったのか」「マレーシアには長く滞在しているのだろうね」等と、ゆったりとおしゃべりしながら調査動機を確かめられた後、銀色のネックレスをプレゼントされた。






2001年9月号 No.21【最新マレーシア事情】「クアラルンプール大司教表敬訪問記」(pp.22-25)

2003年10月号 No.27【最新マレーシア事情】「カトリック教会クアラルンプール大司教の退任」(pp.24-30)


日本マレーシア学会会報『JAMS News』 第21号〜第57号 項目別目次









それにしても、Anthony Soter Fernandez大司教様が2016年11月に枢機卿に昇格されるとは、想像もしていなかった。


カトリック中央協議会によれば、2018年5月20日に大阪大司教の前田万葉氏が、世界の枢機卿団の213人の中で、日本人として6人目の枢機卿に選出された、という(https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/2018/05/21/16733/)。歴代の日本人の枢機卿は、土井辰雄(東京大司教、枢機卿在任は1960—70年)田口芳五郎(大阪大司教、同1973—78年)里脇浅次郎(長崎大司教、同1979−96年)白柳誠一 (東京大司教、同1994−2009年)濱尾文郎(教皇庁移住・移動者司牧評議会議長、同2003−07年)の5人で、白柳枢機卿が亡くなってから、日本は枢機卿不在となっていたという。




Malaysian Church mourns pioneering bishop

Bishop James Chan Soon Cheong was the first bishop of Malacca-Johore Diocese
Bishop James Chan Soon Cheong (1926-2023)

by UCA News reporter
24 April 2023

Catholic Church in Malaysia mourned retired Bishop James Chan Soon Cheong of Malacca Johore Diocese, the first native bishop of the diocese hailed for his efforts in implementing the church’s renewal process and pastoral activism in the light of the Second Vatican Council.
Bishop Chan passed away at MAJODI Center in Plentong of Johor state on April 22 at the age of 97, says an official announcement.
Despite his advanced age, the former bishop who served the diocese from 1972-2001, had “good health until his demise,” the release stated.
He was buried at Ulu Tiram Catholic Cemetery in the state capital Johor Bahru following a funeral Mass led by Bishop Bernard Paul at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on April 24.
James Chan was born on July 26, 1926, in Selama of Perak state. He was the eldest of six siblings.
He studied at St. Xavier’s Institution in Penang state, but his education was hampered due to World War II. He resumed his studies in 1946 at St. George’s Institution, Taiping, and graduated in 1947.
At the age of 24, he entered a seminary in Singapore when the Malacca-Johore was part of the Singapore Diocese. He was ordained a priest for Penang Diocese on Aug. 9, 1959.
He served the diocese in various capacities from parish priest to administrator until Dec. 22, 1972, when Pope Paul VI appointed him the first bishop of Malacca Johore after creating a new diocese by taking territories from the Archdiocese of Malacca-Singapore.
He was ordained bishop on June 8, 1973, by Archbishop Tan Sri Dominic Vendargon of Kuala Lumpur, who greatly influenced his leadership and pastoral activism.
Archbishop Vendargon, who attended Vatican II (1962-1965) sessions, was disappointed at the slow pace of changes taking place in the church despite years of study of the council’s documents.
This led to a renewal movement in the Malaysian Church with the adoption of the Second Vatican Council’s idea of aggiornamento (renewal and reform) of the Church in 1976. Late Malaysian Cardinal Soter Fernandez was among the leading figures in the movement.
In his diocese, Bishop Chan continued the renewal movement. His personal experience of a post-Vatican II Renewal program at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (Philippines) prompted him to engage with clergy and laity for the renewal in the church.
Bishop Chan served as the secretary general and treasurer of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia and was chairman of the National Commission for Social Communications; the Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs; and the Commission for Charismatic Renewal.
Besides, the prelate commissioned the construction of MAJODI Center in Johor, which offers a home for the elderly, a day-care center for children, and a place for retreats and formations for Christian groups in Malaysia and Singapore.
During his tenure, he also oversaw the reconstruction of various churches, chapels, and multi-purpose halls for parishes. He invited at least seven religious congregations including the Jesuits to serve in the diocese.
In 1992, Bishop James Chan published a book about his life and spirituality, entitled “When The Fruits Of The Rambutan Tree Are About To Ripen.”
Following his retirement in 2001, Bishop Chan started residing in Graceville, a retirement village he built for elderly priests.
In his message, Malacca Johore Diocese chancellor Father Lawrence Ng said Bishop Chan was known as “a warmer person” and “a vibrant and passionate pastor” who genuinely loved the people he served.
As the news of his death spread, many posted on social media site Facebook to thank God for his life.
Philippine-born Nare Aguillon Cellan said Bishop Chan cared for Filipino migrants like him.
“I was with the St. Therese of the Child Jesus parish in Masai. Bishop James has given me an introductory letter to promote the Cenacle of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of the Marian Movement of Priests,” Cellan said.
“Such a good bishop, a good human being. We are going to miss him,” wrote Adrian Longanathan.


Posted in Christianity, Malay studies, research topics, Studies related | Leave a comment


4:06 PM · Apr 21, 2023

日本製は、見えないところもきちんと作ってある。質もいい。 私のスカーフも、実は二十代の時に買ったもの。当時は、若いうちだけ、と思っていたが、今みたいな時代になると、充分引き立つ。質がしっかりしているから。
4:12 PM · Apr 21, 2023

4:29 PM · Apr 21, 2023


京都が本部「日本ローマ字会」解散 「漢字仮名交じりは非合理」改革唱え100年超  | 京都新聞
6:18 AM · Apr 24, 2023

梅棹忠夫氏の時代は終わった。 古文書会のますますの発展を!
6:59 AM · Apr 24, 2023



☚ 伊丹の古文書研修、月一度、一時間半の遅々とした歩みながらも、頑張ります!
☚ 確かに、隣国を笑っている場合じゃない!
☚ 子供達の英語の早期教育よりも古典の勉強の方が、長い目で見てしっかりとした人生を歩めると確信。(社会に出てから、一目置かれて、女性の場合は特に「身を守る術」にもなります。)
☚ 但し、AIに頼るならば、元も子もありません。隣国と同レベル、否、英語力は隣国の方が遥かに頑張っています!負けるなニッポン!
令和5年4月23日執行伊丹市議会議員選挙投票速報/伊丹市 http://city.itami.lg.jp/SOSIKI/SENKAN/33654.html…
☚ 夕方になっても投票率が28.13%って!
8:46 PM · Apr 23, 2023

選挙権をいただいた二十歳から、海外勤務等の日本国不在時を除き、必ず投票を。 昔は政治がよくわからなかったが、自分なりに考えて、毎回、投票している。結婚してからは、夫婦一緒に投票所へ。
6:38 AM · Apr 24, 2023

たかが一票、されど一票。一票の重みは強い。 せっかく与えられている選挙権、義務と責任感でしっかりと行使を。自分の国は自分で守る。
6:41 AM · Apr 24, 2023

8:02 AM · Apr 24, 2023

実家のある愛知県の某町では、選挙の投票証がありました。その後暮らすようになった大阪府の某町や兵庫県伊丹市では、一度もいただいたことがありません。 仕方がないので、投票受付で手渡す封書で届く紙を自宅でカラーコピーして、記名した立候補者の名前を裏に書いて、毎回ファイリングしています。
8:28 PM · Apr 23, 2023





3:00 PM · Apr 25, 2023

3:25 PM · Apr 25, 2023

また、最近の若い人達は、学校で自分の意見を出すように教育されているため、意見ばかり出して何もしない、と。 昭和時代には、たとえその場では理不尽だと感じても、目上の話は黙って聞き、自分で考えたものだ、と私も同意。
3:30 PM · Apr 25, 2023

今、80歳以上の人達は、月30万円の年金を受け取っている、と聞いた。その頃の年金制度は、これ程寿命が伸びた人口を抱えるとは予想していなかったため、だそう。 だから、若い人達の社会負担が大き過ぎて、今はやたら子供に甘い政策になっている、との由。
3:34 PM · Apr 25, 2023

実際に30万円の内実は不明。一人暮らしの80歳以上が皆、30万円の年金だとは思えない。 介護相談を見ると、義理親が貯蓄ゼロで、年金だけでは特養にも入れない、という事例が散見される。



だが、子供もやがて大人になる。税金で甘やかされた子供が成人した暁には、その次の代に、同じく中高年を切り捨てる考えをされるだろう、と。 また、コロナの3年間に、特養ホームなどがどんどん潰れていったらしい。不安を抱えながら暮らしている一人暮らしの中高年をどうするか。
3:39 PM · Apr 25, 2023

文化施設が切り捨てられそうになる懸念を共有。伊丹は元来、文化的に良い土地柄だった。 その方は、義理のお父様の家系が有名な画家だった由。叔母様が芦屋にいて、宝塚やベルギーにも暮らした経験がある、とのこと。
4:09 PM · Apr 25, 2023

失礼ながら、見かけによらず。だからこそ、人様の話は聞いておかなければならない。 その方は、駅前で頑張っていた若い候補者達に、私に話したような内容を意見として伝えた、とのこと。
4:13 PM · Apr 25, 2023

以前、伊丹市は市議の人数が多過ぎたため、住民の間で署名を集めて今の定員に減らした由。それでも多様性を謳っているので、今や議員さんの見解がバラバラだ、とのこと。 この辺り、しっかりした意見を持つ女性住民の存在は頼もしい。 寒くなってきたので、立ち話はここで終わった。以上。
4:19 PM · Apr 25, 2023

5:28 PM · Apr 25, 2023






10:40 AM · Apr 26, 2023

私には夫も子供もいます! ジェンダー平等、女性が生き生きと暮らせる社会を!
と訴えながらも、肝心の夫が表に出てこない場合は、説得力がない。ダメな政策だ。 一方、候補者一人だけで奮闘せず、奥さんや親族が一緒に写真におさまって、家族ぐるみで応援しているなら安心。
10:47 AM · Apr 26, 2023


1:57 PM · Apr 26, 2023

2:00 PM · Apr 26, 2023


ボーイスカウトやガールスカウトのような少年少女達の精神社会教育運動は、キリスト教由来だとばかり思っていた。なぜなら、1990年より前の時代、マレーシアの都市部のしっかりした子供達は、大抵、ミッション系学校でスカウト活動に参加し、国の各界の指導者層になっていたからだ。 日本では、神社。
1:22 PM · May 6, 2023

大阪府に暮らしていた頃、行基由来だという710年創立の神社 では、スカウトの子供達が境内で飯盒炊さんをし、木造家屋で寝泊まりをし、朝は禰宜さんから訓話を聞いて、お詣りしてから帰って行くのを時々目撃した。 一昨日いただいた下鴨神社の冊子にも、スカウトの話が記載されている。
1:27 PM · May 6, 2023

スカウトの起源は、1909年の英国は倫敦。今や世界171ヶ国に6000万人の会員がいる由。 日本のスカウト運動は、古き良き日本の価値観が世界に広がる文化となるような目標を有しているようだ。
1:48 PM · May 6, 2023

日本のスカウト運動が神社主導というのは、実に賢明な選択。 欧州ではキリスト教由来のスカウト運動だとしても、日本もそれに倣っていたら、みすみす文化的植民地主義を自ら受け入れることになり、日本の伝統文化が破壊されてしまう。それは、心ある欧州人の望むところでもない、はずだ。
2:03 PM · May 6, 2023

最近、GHQの神道指令をめぐる古い論文を何本か読んでいるが、苛立たしく、腹立つことばかり。日本の宗教事情を誤解したまま、戦勝国の驕りが見え見え。 戦前の日本人キリスト教指導者の論文は、国史や神道、仏教、儒教そして皇統譜をしっかりと咀嚼した上での記述。日本的キリスト教だと言える。
2:11 PM · May 6, 2023

2:51 PM · May 6, 2023

古文書も読めず、万葉集もそらんずることのできない程度の人達が、戦後は勝ち誇ったように、偶像崇拝だとか何とかと言い広めて、理屈だけで日本を貶めるような伝統破壊をしていった。 何か発生するとすぐ、黙示録を読め、と。今まで一度も実現したことがないのに、繰り返し主張。
2:23 PM · May 6, 2023

今一番怖いのは、中国でもロシアでもなく、日本国内の左派メディアだ、と聞いた。 新聞、テレビ、学校教科書の一部、大学教育、医療福祉、戦後入って来た新興宗教とキリスト教や仏教や神社神道の一部も、その影響下にある。保守派を名乗る人にも、要注意。
2:29 PM · May 6, 2023

法曹界も左傾化している、と聞いていたが、現役弁護士さんの話では、本当の左翼弁護士は5-8%だ、との由。 但し、そういう少数派がメディアで目立つため、知らずに影響されてしまう。
2:36 PM · May 6, 2023


頑張ってください。 昨今の急激な動きには、何らかの作為を感じております。 ひとたび本件を通したら、次々に案件が押し寄せるような予感がします。
2:07 PM · May 15, 2023


ペーパーレス はんこレス
7:23 AM · Jun 28, 2023


日経の特にコメント欄、記者の思い、みたいなのは全然ダメです。時間の無駄です。 記事そのものに文句を言うのではなく、何故そうなのか考える材料だ、と私は思っています。
11:36 PM · Aug 26, 2023


https://youtu.be/eUBwAdySEWc?si=K05W5sn0C8GhI7wf… via @YouTube
☚  文学者の話が貴重だ。 背後の辻元清美、大阪府の島本町や高槻市では、よく見かけました。
11:36 PM · Feb 9, 2024


Posted in Christianity, Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment



《「症候学は古い学問ではない。日々最も新たにならなければならない分野であり,『最新』の研究こそ症候学のversion upに寄与しなければならないし,寄与しない研究は意味がない」》
https://youtu.be/t90t0uVKjV4 via @YouTube
☚ そうです!私の書いたものも巧妙に出ておりません!
3:18 PM · Apr 18, 2023

3:27 PM · Apr 18, 2023
コロナで日本人留学生9割減 学生の「内向き」突出 https://nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUA070YV0X00C23A4000000/…
☚ 旧宗主国や移民国と日本は違う!
☚ 国内の日本人学生や日本人卒業生をもっと大切にしてください!
☚ 母校の論文集は中国と韓国の留学生ばかり掲載されています!
1:35 PM · Apr 14, 2023
国産の榊と中国産の榊では、お値段が3倍ぐらい違う。 但し、持ちも3倍違う。国産は、大晦日に買って、4月半ばの今も若葉が芽吹く程、長持ちしている。 結局のところ、国産の勝ち! 榊は国産を買いましょう!
6:25 PM · Apr 14, 2023
6:10 PM · Apr 14, 2023

びっくりして、 おばちゃんが誰か知らないんでしょ?知らない人から電話を借りたらダメ。おばちゃんが悪い人だったら、どうするの? 知らない人からお金を借りたらダメ。車に乗ってもダメ。
6:13 PM · Apr 14, 2023

まだ一年生、学校入ったばかりで、こんな時間にまだおうちに帰っていないの?もうすぐ雨が降りそうだから、もう今日はまっすぐ家に帰りなさい。 おうちはどこなの?わかる? おばちゃん、これから買い物だから、ここから一人で帰りなさいね。大丈夫?
6:15 PM · Apr 14, 2023

気になって、名前を目視で覚えてから、別れた。 信じられない。私が小学校に入学した半世紀前には、一年生は集団下校で、幼稚園よりも早く家に帰ったものだ。 入学して10日ぐらいなのに、ランドセルを背負ったまま、夕方5時過ぎまで、ぶらぶらしている小1の子がいるなんて!
6:20 PM · Apr 14, 2023

先生は何してる? 親御さんは、心配しないのだろうか?
6:20 PM · Apr 14, 2023
6:07 PM · Apr 14, 2023
山本美希 | アナウンサーを探す | NHK アナウンス室 全国のNHKアナウンサーの情報が大集合!「番組名」や「氏名の一部」「生育地」などからも検索できます。知りたいアナウンサーの素顔に即アクセス。 http://www6.nhk.or.jp/a-room/search/detail.html?i=519…
⇦ ピキ。
10:30 PM · Apr 17, 2023


☚ 日本国民の活用を!
2:59 PM · Apr 18, 2023
3:00 PM · Apr 18, 2023


☚ 古い演奏録音は味わいがある。
4:02 PM · Apr 18, 2023
6:55 AM · Apr 19, 2023

2:59 PM · Apr 19, 2023

4:58 PM · Apr 19, 2023
木曽三川の悲劇・宝暦治水事件~薩摩義士と家老の平田靱負は腹を切る https://bushoojapan.com/jphistory/edo/2023/04/13/74041… #武将ジャパン via
⇦ 鹿児島の神社前 でも頭を下げました。
11:47 AM · Apr 14, 2023
若い人を重視して、新風を吹き込もうとする風潮はわからなくもない。だが、見落としてはならない点は、 若くても視野が狭い人達 の存在。
11:40 AM · Apr 14, 2023

中高年よりも視野狭く固まった考えの若者達、 何とかしてくださいね。
11:41 AM · Apr 14, 2023


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ムスリム指導者の公開書簡 (3)

《ムスリム公開書簡に署名した前副首相Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 氏が、自らイスラームとキリスト教の共通価値の促進者であると発言したこと。これは、1970年代半ばから後半にかけてABIM(マレーシア・イスラーム青年運動)の議長だった氏が「イスラームは全人類への呼びかけであるため、マレーシアのすべての人々に受け入れられるはずべきものである」と主張していた内容と合わせて、よく検討すべきである。》




《パイピシュ先生は、何と1983年から、アンワル氏が危険な原理主義者だと著書に書かれていたのだった。(Daniel Pipes, “In the path of God: Islam and Political Power” Basic Books, pp.128, 251, 314, 326)。シカゴ大学で、故ウィリアム・マクニール教授の下(http://ja.danielpipes.org/article/13633)(http://ja.danielpipes.org/article/15772)、若き日の輝かしい経歴出発の門出として、パイピシュ先生が生き生きと世界史を教えていた頃、当地で勉強していたアンワル氏と出会ったという。》

Daniel Pipes دانيال بايبس @DanielPipes
@SamWestrop breaks new ground in his brilliant article on the connections between Malaysia’s PM @AnwarIbrahim, the International Islamic University Malaysia (
@OfficialIIUM), and the Virginia-based International Institute of Islamic Thought (
5:35 AM · Apr 12, 2023

Sam Westrop@samwestrop

1/ American Islamists are using Malaysia as a testing ground for their own radical ideas. The Virginia-based International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) advances Islamism through two proxies: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and the Prime Minister’s office.

2/ Prime Minister Ibrahim has been involved with both IIIT and its ideological offshoot IIUM from the very start. Ibrahim is, in fact, a founding figure within both institutions. Malaysia’s new prime minister, it seems, is also American Islamism’s new prime minister.

3/ In just the first 5 months of his premiership, Ibrahim has been busy praising and implementing IIIT’s ideas, especially focused on using the notion of “Islamization of Knowledge” in the education system to expand Islamist control over the country.

4/ Ibrahim on his planned education reforms: “There is no success to the conquest if you fail to understand the first decade of Salahuddin’s rule.. the decade of consolidation, the decade of ‘dawah’ … the decade of making education centres as a centre of excellence.”

5/ All of this illustrates a broader trend. The West is no longer a mere outpost of radicalism for Islamists in the Middle East and South Asia; instead, the West now hosts many of the leading centers of Islamist thought, which export their ideas to all corners of the world.

4:03 AM · Apr 12, 2023


Focus on Western Islamism

Exposed: Malaysia’s New PM Advances U.S. Islamism
by Sam Westrop
9 December 2022

With a founding figure of American Islamism now holding high office in Malaysia, it seems likely that this important far-Eastern country will soon become a major supporter and key ally of Western Islamism.
On November 24, Anwar Ibrahim became Malaysia’s tenth prime minister, following a tumultuous few decades waiting in the wings, during which time he served several jail terms, purportedly on trumped-up charges, and has been at the center of extraordinary political dramas featuring unusual alliances and stunning betrayals.
Largely ignored amid excitement in international media over the emergence of a purported “reformist,” it is worth noting that Ibrahim is in fact an Islamist.
Ibrahim’s radical roots lie with Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia), or ABIM, which he co-founded in 1971. A thesis published by Georgetown University (where Ibrahim happens to be a senior fellow) examines ABIM’s role as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, a violent international Islamist movement regarded by Western policymakers as a key driver of radicalization and terror.
Ibrahim’s Islamism includes fervently anti-Jewish ideas and open alignment with a genocidal terror group.* A proud supporter of Hamas, Ibrahim has previously attacked a “Jewish-controlled” public relations firm, alleged “Zionist” conspiracies influencing his opponents and “directly involved in the running of the government,” and he has boasted of his efforts to “remove renowned Islamic scholar Dr Shaikh Yusuf Qardhawi’s name from [the U.S.] terrorist blacklist.”
The late Sheikh Qaradawi served as spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and was best known, the Counter-Extremism Project notes, for advocating “the murder of Americans, gay people, and Jews through his writings, speeches, and fatwas.”
Such hatreds, it must be pointed out, are not new for Malaysian statesmen. Ibrahim’s own former mentor, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, has long served as a vociferous anti-Semite himself, with an occasional but highly noticeable habit of Holocaust denial.
What is new, however, is that Anwar Ibrahim is not just a Malaysian politician, but an important figure within American Islamism as well.
Ibrahim serves as the chairman of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), often referred to as the leading thinktank of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West. Ibrahim, in fact, co-founded IIIT.
As documented by federal agents and counter-terrorism researchers, IIIT is a key component of a Virginia-based operation named the SAAR network, a collection of Islamist groups investigated in the 2000s for their terror finance ties. Today, the SAAR network’s nonprofit organizations (which excludes its vast array of associated vastly wealthy private corporations) report an astonishing combined total of over $400 million of assets in America, a considerable portion of which flows through IIIT – making the group and its associated bodies the wealthiest network of Muslim organizations in the United States.
Most likely because of Ibrahim’s influence, IIIT has grown a significant presence in the far-East, with offices in nine separate countries in the region. In Malaysia, IIIT partners closely with the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), an institution of which Ibrahim served as president for a decade.
In his address as IIT chairman in 2019, Ibrahim reaffirmed his commitment to Islamism, from ideas about the imposition of Islamic law to key Muslim Brotherhood concepts such as the “Islamization of Knowledge.”
Just a few months before the recent election, Ibrahim continued to identify himself as chairman of IIIT. Indeed, Ibrahim’s Twitter account shows years of close, continued involvement with IIIT activities.
In October, IIIT’s Malaysian branch hosted an event with Ibrahim to launch his political manifesto: “SCRIPT for a Better Malaysia: An Empowering Vision and Policy Framework for Action.” The book, available in a glossy English-language PDF, is perhaps also aimed at his Western supporters. Indeed, in an apparent reflection of Islamist-progressivist mingling in the West, Ibrahim’s Malaysian manifesto features a significant number of Western progressivist ideas that have been adopted, or at least paid lip service, by Western Islamist groups such as IIIT in recent years.
For all Ibrahim’s dozens of mentions of “diversity,” “sustainability” and “inequalities,” he also advocates Islamic finance and banking, sharia, and references Islamist thinkers and writers, including various IIIT publications and Western Islamist-influenced reports on “Islamophobia.”
That IIIT played a role in the recent elections is noteworthy. Anwar Ibrahim’s rise to power is not just a victory for the Islamists of the East; he is the progeny and the triumph of Western Islamism as well.
Ibrahim’s involvement with American Islamism did not just take place through IIIT. Over the decades, Ibrahim has written articles in support of research by prominent Islamist organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations; spoken alongside convicted terror financiers such as Sami Al-Arian at Turkish regime events; and addressed major American Islamist conferences hosted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a keynote speaker.
And American Islamists have been loyal to Ibrahim. In 2000, to applause from Islamist voices, ISNA reportedly rescinded a speaking invitation to Ibrahim’s former mentor, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, following Mohamad’s efforts to purge Ibrahim from his administration.
In the West, some journalists and analysts have placed great hope in Ibrahim as Malaysian leader. Several fawning articles in New Lines Magazine, for instance, describe Ibrahim’s rise as a “milestone in contemporary Muslim politics” and praise the Prime Minister as “a passionate champion of the more tolerant, pluralistic society” who has moved on from the “conventionally conservative views” of his youth, and whose “understanding of Islam has also evolved, from a belief that the religion’s benefits are exclusive to its own adherents to a conviction that Islam can provide universal benefits for all people.”
The notion that Ibrahim is now a calmer, “evolved” moderate is a particularly common claim.
And yet, in recent years, Ibrahim has consorted openly with prominent extremist leaders, including the late Yusuf Al-Qawadawi. He has also broadcast the support he has received from Tunisian Islamist ideologue Rached Ghannouchi, whom he praises for helping to “mobilize the struggle.”
Little has changed. In the days following his election victory, Ibrahim made his continued commitment to international Islamism and its terrorist offshoots abundantly clear.
On November 27, Ibrahim posted on Twitter a video of him speaking with Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the U.S. designated terrorist group Hamas. Speaking in English, Ibrahim states that his own election victory is also a victory for the “Palestinians and the ummah” and pledged to “work together, inshallah, to redeem the lost image and also role of the ummah.” Ibrahim subsequently also spoke to Hamas’s political leader Khaled Meshal, former chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau.
While in most cases, media puffery can be explained by journalists once again not doing their jobs, in the case of New Lines Magazine, it is perhaps noteworthy that the outlet – despite being a generally well-regarded publication that often produces interesting analysis penned by some respectable analysts – is a project of Ahmed Alwani, the vice-president of IIIT.
There is one puzzle. Despite Ibrahim’s close ties to American Islamism, his election received scant notice in the public statements of American Islamist groups and their officials. After scraping thousands of social media accounts and newsletters, FWI found only one mention: Ibrahim’s recent election win was celebrated by the Islamic Society of North America, which likened Ibrahim’s roots in ABIM to ISNA’s own roots in the (Muslim Brotherhood-founded) Muslim Student Association in the 1960s.
Why so little applause otherwise? Even IIIT’s website or social media does not carry a mention that its own chairman is now Prime Minister of an important Muslim majority country.
One possibility is certainly that American Islamists, or Prime Minister Ibrahim, do not wish to draw additional public attention to such connections. The other possibility is one FWI has posited before: that the Muslim Brotherhood is a declining force in the United States, supplanted by other Islamist networks such as a new generation of Salafis and resurgent South Asian Islamists. These ascendent Islamist networks will certainly benefit from Ibrahim’s government, although they perhaps feel less inclined to boast about it.
These other Western Islamists have certainly worked to develop their ties to Malaysian Islamist institutions in recent years. Ibrahim’s IIUM in particular has partnered with groups such as the Illinois-based, Qatari-funded Furqaan Foundation as well as the modernist Salafi Yaqeen Institute. IIUM’s academics, meanwhile, address D.C-based proxies for North African Islamism, such as the Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy, as well as Jamaat-e-Islami organizations such as the Muslim Ummah of North America.
American Deobandi scholars such as Sheikh Amin Kholwadia address IIUM events, while America’s most famous imam, Omar Suleiman, is a proud recent graduate of the university. Suleiman declares Malaysia his “second home” and has met with Anwar Ibrahim.
While in Malaysia, Suleiman has repeatedly also visited Zakir Naik, an important international Islamist figure wanted in India, but protected from extradition by Malaysia, on charges of money laundering and allegations of terrorism links. (Anwar Ibrahim has praised the “eloquence and “knowledge” of Naik, who previously declared that “every Muslim should be a terrorist” and once expressed praise for Osama Bin Laden.)
With the recent death of Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and the passing last month of Muslim Brotherhood’s political leader Ibrahim Munir, there is good evidence some sections of Middle Eastern Islamism are collapsing. But in the West and far-East, however, other networks appear in ascension.
FWI has previously noted four major state patrons of Western Islamism: Qatar, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. Perhaps Malaysia should now be added to that list.

* Sam Westrop is director of Islamist Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum

*An analyst interested in Malaysian Islamism or with tackling the threats of global anti-Semitism might find it useful to download a full copy of Ibrahim’s website archives. Many of his posts from years past have been deleted, most likely as part of a sanitizing exercise on Ibrahim’s part. Over half a million archived files and pages from the website, however, are available to download through the Wayback Machine. We have uploaded a list of all the available files, which can be found here.


Focus on Western Islamism
American Islamism’s Malaysian Prime Minister
11 April 2023
by Sam Westrop

Under Islamist Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia now serves as a testing ground for the ideas and ambitions of a powerful American Islamist network based in Virginia. Ibrahim and his Western Islamist backers’ newfound power illustrates an important new trend: the flow of Islamist ideas is reversing direction. In stark contrast to the past, Islamists in the West are no longer reliant on foreign patrons, but are now themselves leading exporters of radicalism to the East.
In recent months, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has spoken at a steady series of events concerning the threat of “Islamophobia” from the West. Ibrahim’s rhetoric on this issue is not just his own; the language and intellectual arguments around his pronouncements are identical to those advanced by an Islamist network led by the Virginia-based International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and its Malaysian offshoot, the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
Indeed, both groups are a consistent presence within Ibrahim’s busy schedule. In February, for instance, the Prime Minister addressed an IIIT conference titled “International Forum on Islamophobia,” organized by the American Islamist organization “in collaboration with
[Malaysia’s] Foreign Affairs Ministry and Prime Minister’s Department.”
At the event, Malaysian officials, alongside IIUM speakers, warned of the threat posed to Muslims by freedom of expression. The IIIT conference in February also served to launch a new book on Islamophobia within “popular culture,” written by a Western academic closely involved with both the IIUM and IIIT. The book, produced by a Turkish Islamist publisher controlled by IIIT, features an endorsement on its back from Ibrahim.
Not many prime ministers would be inclined to take time out of their schedules to organize or speak at events with foreign thinktanks about subjects far removed from the everyday concerns of their constituents. And yet this book launch was just one of half a dozen IIIT or IIUM events Ibrahim has spoken at since his appointment as prime minister just five months ago.
The IIUM-IIIT axis is the public face of a powerful close-knit Islamist network that now wields enormous political power. Ibrahim has been involved from the very start. He is, in fact, a founding figure within both institutions. Malaysia’s new prime minister, it seems, is also American Islamism’s new prime minister.
The IIIT-IIUM Network
Anwar Ibrahim co-founded the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in 1981. Often referred to as the leading thinktank of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West, today, the IIIT is just one component of a far-reaching Islamist network in the United States known as the SAAR Network, a vast array of charities and private companies that hold assets of at least half a billion dollars. Indeed, IIIT and other SAAR network entities are among the wealthiest Islamic organizations in America.
IIIT’s Islamism is brazen. A 1989 IIIT document states that “ultimate loyalty to the nation-state is both impossible and blasphemous” for Muslims. Instead, the author advocates for a caliphate, blacklisting Muslims who oppose such theocracy. (In recent years, IIIT has also blacklisted Muslims who criticize the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ostensibly at the request of Turkish Islamist authorities).
In the past, the SAAR network, including the IIIT, is believed to have openly funded terror finance operations. But a federal investigation against the network, which led to law enforcement raids on IIIT’s offices, was shut down in the 2000s, reportedly because of political interference.
In an article noting the many Muslim Brotherhood ties of the IIIT, the Washington Post reports that one IIIT book, published in 2002 and titled Violence, calls for the state of Israel to be confronted with “fear, terror and lack of security.” The author, IIIT official AbdulHamid AbuSulayman, declares: “Fighting is a duty of the oppressed people” and that acceptable “targets” can be “civilian or military.” In an affidavit filed in 2003, a federal investigator described AbuSulayman as one of IIIT’s “ardent supporters” of the designated terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
AbuSulayman, who passed away in 2021, founded both the IIIT and IIUM. At both institutions, he worked closely with Ibrahim, a fellow IIIT co-founder. Ibrahim previously served as president of the IIUM, and, Malaysian commentators note, “supported IIUM from its very inception.”
Such close ties have held fast. Just a few months ago, IIIT and IIUM organized a joint conference in Malaysia, titled the “International Conference on AbdulHamid AbuSulayman.” The Prime Minister once again attended, speaking alongside senior IIIT and IIUM officials, and giving a speech in which he explained the importance of using education to facilitate “conquest” and the spread of Islam.
“There is no success to the conquest if you fail to understand the first decade of Salahuddin’s rule.. the decade of consolidation, the decade of ‘dawah’, the decade of education or the decade of making education centres as a centre of excellence.”
(pic) IIIT founder, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, speaking about his planned education reforms
Alongside issues such as “Islamophobia,” the use of education to further Islamist control is one of the IIIT’s specialties. The Islamist troika, comprising IIIT, IIUM and the Malaysian prime minister’s office, is particularly keen on advancing the “Islamization of Knowledge,” a proposed framework developed by the IIIT under which all subjects can and should be taught and understood through an Islamic lens.
An IIUM paper published in 2013 clearly illustrates the Islamist agenda, noting that “Dr. Abdulhamid Abusulayman was instrumental in propagating this approach during his tenure as the Rector of IIUM (1988-1998). His emphasis was on the practical aspects of Islamization …. Focusing on seeking the foundations of sciences in the Qur’an and the sunnah, this approach to Islamization was mainly critical of traditional Muslim scholarship, in particular the mystics.”
In his own recent speech in Virginia as head of the IIIT board in 2019, Anwar Ibrahim explicitly reaffirmed his and the IIIT’s commitment to “Islamization of Knowledge” ideals. In August 2022, just a few months before taking office, Ibrahim declared “IIIT’s commitment to Islamisation and Integration of Knowledge” as key ideas for the “realisation of humane governance in Muslim societies and around the world.”
It is upon this Islamist framework that IIIT and IIUM’s relationship is largely based. Writing in 2020, former Islamist activist Dr. Mohd Rasdi recounts, in a brief history of his own, regretted radicalization:

The other Islamic agenda was about the Islamisation of knowledge. In the United States, the International Institute of Islamic Thought was born from the work of Ismail Raj al-Faruqi, a Palestinian born American scholar.
He gathered a group of Muslim scholars in the modern disciplines such as sociology, philosophy, sciences and anthropology and began a discourse of reframing the disciplines within the construct of an Islamic world view.
The traditional ustaz [teachers] were incapable of thinking critically and intellectually and so the onus fell on the non-ustaz to lead the charge. The International Islamic University Malaysia was a manifestation of that Islamisation of knowledge agenda.

While the IIIT describes IIUM as a “long-standing” partner and is a major provider of scholarships to the university, and the IIUM concedes that IIIT operates a “branch in IIUM,” it is perhaps more accurate to consider the IIUM itself to be that very branch – IIIT and Western Islamism’s flagship institution in the far-East.
As Prime Minister, Ibrahim has quickly set about advancing the IIIT’s Islamization of Knowledge program. In January, at the launch of another book produced jointly by the IIIT and IIUM, Ibrahim once again attended, declaring that “Islamic education syllabus” in Malaysia would be “reformed” and that “Islamic civilization” would be instilled at “every level.”
The influence and relentless involvement of the IIIT and IIUM has been noted by Ibrahim’s supporters in Malaysian media, who have named and praised IIIT, IIUM and Ibrahim for their coordinated contributions to the “elevation of Islamic thought” in the country.
American Islamists have also made much of their successful export. The April edition of a leading Islamist magazine produced by the Islamic Society of North America, a close partner of the IIIT, is devoted to the new Malaysian Islamist government.
Across multiple articles and editorials, American Islamist editors and journalists describe Ibrahim as a product of American Islamist “intellectual thought.” The publication heralds the new Malaysian Islamic government, and features writings by Ibrahim and others praising the work of IIIT and the IIUM in effecting this change.
These American Islamists declare: “Armed with a global view inspired by Islam, [Ibrahim] represents a hope for Malaysia, the Muslim world and humanity at large.”
Pan-Islamist Appeal
The IIUM’s usefulness is not limited to just the IIIT and Ibrahim’s branch of Islamism. This Western-backed institution attracts other Islamist actors in the West and elsewhere across the globe.
Salafi, Deobandi and Turkish Islamists, for instance, increasingly appear at conferences organized jointly by Western Islamist groups and the IIUM, and hosted in Malaysia.
Meanwhile, modernist Salafi groups, such as the Yaqeen Institute, a leading American organization, now regularly partner with IIUM academics.
Indeed, the founder of the Yaqeen, Omar Suleiman – perhaps the best-known imam in the United States – proudly announced in 2022 that he had successfully defended his PhD at IIUM, on the subject of Islamic Thought and Civilization, a popular IIUM teaching area based on the IIIT’s Islamization of Knowledge program.
The IIUM also finds willing partners in Wahhabis in both North America and Saudi, and works with Qatari regime institutions with a heavy presence in the West, such as the Qatar Foundation. IIUM officials even travel to Washington D.C. to take part in events hosted by Western extensions of Tunisia’s Islamist Ennahda movement.
Importantly, it seems IIUM may need the support of these Western Islamists more than these Western Islamists need IIUM. The university often advertises Islamist events in the West at which its more illustrious Western graduates speak.
The university also posts videos on social media, accompanied by Islamic pop-nasheeds [Islamic vocal music], featuring figures such as American imam Omar Suleiman visiting the IIUM campus.
Alongside IIUM’s overt involvement with international Islamism, some accuse the university of serving as a terror recruitment center.
As noted by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, the terrorist group Hamas “conducts extensive social and cultural activities for students at the International Islamic University Malaysia.” Some recruits from the university are reportedly even “sent to a course in Turkey (at Hamas’ expense), given money by Hamas and then sent to Judea and Samaria.”
The Investigative Project on Terrorism, meanwhile, reports that Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal gave a speech at IIUM in 2013, in which he “advocated resistance and jihad.”
The IIUM also aligns itself with other violent Islamist movements around the world. The IIUM has bestowed an honorary doctorate, for instance, upon Khurshid Ahmad, a senior leader of the Pakistani branch of Jamaat-e-Islami, a dangerous South Asian Islamist movement. Ahmad has previously described the Taliban as “refulgent and splendid” and warned about the “implication of Europe’s [sic] being in the clasp of Jews.”
The IIUM’s website promotes Ahmad and other Islamists’ writings, not within a journal or as a publication in its library, but among a general list of Islamic “resources” provided to students. Other publications among the IIUM’s offered resources is a text by a Western Islamist convert advising students that “the Jewish community is to be viewed as an avid enemy of Islam.”
Despite this wide array of radicalism, the IIUM enjoys significant support from Western non-Muslim sources as well. The U.S. government discloses at least $725,000 of grants have been provided to the IIUM, mostly handed out in the last few years. Preposterously, the grants include State Department awards for combating “violent extremism.”
There is likely additional undisclosed funding as well. In 2018, a Department of Homeland Security center at the University of Maryland boasted that it was also working with the IIUM on a counter-extremism program, funded by the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
Significant funding arrangements and partnerships with the European Union and various European governments are also in place, although total amounts are difficult to ascertain.
A Geographical Shift
Over the past few decades, a distinct change has occurred within international Islamism. Wealthy Western Muslim communities, dominated by Islamist leadership, have established an enormous array of universities, thinktanks, charities, grant-making foundations and grassroots associations that now, in both wealth and influence, outstrip many of the organizations in Muslim countries on which these same Western Islamists once so heavily relied.
This success of Western Islamism, along with the declining interest in Islamism among the peoples of the Middle East, the exile of Muslim Brotherhood leaders from Egypt and the Gulf, and the dramatic ideological changes in countries such as Saudi and the UAE, have produced a curious geographical shift in the politics of global Islamism.
The West is no longer a mere outpost of radicalism directed from the Middle East and South Asia; instead, the West is a headquarters, hosting many of the leading centers of Islamist thought, which work to export their ideas to all corners of the world.
As a result, increasing numbers of Deobandis in South Asia increasingly look to the pronouncements of muftis in the United Kingdom for religious rulings. Countries such as the UAE include prominent British and American Muslim Brotherhood charities on their lists of Islamist terror groups that threaten the security of the nation. Indian newspapers, government officials and security figures, worry loudly and publicly more about the effect of American Islamist groups’ efforts to encourage and support extremism in Kashmir than the threat posed by radicalization among the country’s own 172 million Muslims.
And now, in Malaysia, the power of the IIUM and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim – progeny of a Virginia-based Islamist network – indicate the ease with which Western Islamism can now impose its ideas upon the East.
With the help of an Islamist Prime Minister who reached out to terrorist leaders upon news of his election win in November, it is now Western Islamism, not Saudi Wahhabism or South Asia’s Deobandism, that threatens to supplant the extant moderate Muslim presence in Malaysia; and soon, perhaps, elsewhere across the Muslim world.


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