






モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第17番ト長調 K.453
モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第22番変ホ長調 K.482
































Posted in Japanese culture, Piano, Uchida Mitsuko, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


The Spectator Australia(https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/deadly-coloniser/)

Deadly coloniser
Iran’s tentacles threaten the free world

Dr. Ida Lichter
4 November 2023

Despite the barbaric Hamas massacres on 7 October, extremist Muslims, the far left and the mainstream media predictably rallied to attack Israel. Although Jews have been indigenous to the land for more than 3,000 years, these groups brand Israeli Jews as non-indigenous colonisers. Such accusations turn a blind eye to Iran; a belligerent, imperialist coloniser with antisemitic, genocidal intent.

Iran’s patronage of its proxy Hamas led to the latest conflagration in the volatile Middle East, exposing the Islamic Republic’s radical Shia ideology that threatens Israel, Sunni Gulf Arabs and beyond. Yet Iran’s malign extra-territorial warfare has attracted little general attention.

In contrast, the egregious human rights violations within Iran’s authoritarian theocracy are well known, although executions of gay men and minors, or imprisonment of women for ‘bad hijab’, have not mobilised the left or feminists. During waves of unrest, protesters were killed, injured and arrested by ‘morality police’.

Recently increased surveillance and punishments for hijab transgressions are consistent with the hard-line views of current President Ebrahim Raisi, known as ‘The Butcher of Tehran,’ for his part in the mass executions of Iranian political prisoners during 1988.

Iran’s leadership applauded the vicious torture and murder on 7 October, and its fingerprints can be seen in the training, weapons and finance for Hamas in Gaza – about US$100 million annually with additional funding for its sister militia, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

Hamas, PIJ and many Palestinian Arabs have been infected with antisemitic ideology from two sources. First, the wartime Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who collaborated with Hitler. Second, the antisemitic Soviet propaganda that inspired current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to write his thesis on Holocaust denial while studying at the Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University in Moscow.

Little wonder that Hamas ideology incorporates an extermination jihad against Jews and Israel in addition to creating a global caliphate. These goals align with the ideology of Isis jihadis, who tried to secure a worldwide caliphate. With similar aims, Iran deploys the radicalised Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), sworn to Iranian expansionism and an ‘ideological mission of jihad’ to export the theocracy’s Shia revolution globally. Any attempts at reform or Westernisation are rejected in the drive to create a greater ‘Islamic civilisation’.

As part of Iran’s agenda of Holocaust denial, the regime has held international Holocaust cartoon contests and a conference with neo-Nazi participants.
Hamas is a minor example of the multiple, armed, Iran-backed proxy militias based in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Yemen and Bahrain that form a string of conquests for their hegemonic patron. The largest militia, Lebanese-based Hezbollah, receives about US$700 million annually from Iran, and boasts a greater army than Lebanon itself, with drones and more than 130,000 surface-to-surface precision-guided and unguided rockets. Hezbollah was part of a coalition that won the 2018 Lebanese election, gaining a majority of seats in parliament and markedly increasing Iran’s regional expansion. During the Syrian civil war, the paramilitary fought for President Bashar al-Assad’s survival. Together with Iran-supported militias in Syria and a line of credit from Iran, al-Assad’s dependence on the Islamic Republic was ensured. At the same time, Iran began to colonise Syria by transferring Shia Muslims from Iraq and Lebanon to areas abandoned by Syrian refugees.

Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah has a global footprint, perpetrating suicide attacks and bomb plots in Europe, the UK, Africa, Turkey, the Middle East, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia and the US. The militia also has deep roots throughout Latin America, and is reportedly involved with drug cartels and money laundering.

In Iraq, several Iran-backed militias or Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMFs) together with allied political parties are bent on imposing a Shiite state and preventing the emergence of secular parliamentary democracy. Exploiting their advantage in the International Zone, Iran-sponsored PMFs have attacked the US and British embassies in Iraq, and two years ago bombed then prime minister Mustafa al-Khadimi’s residence while he slept.

When the PMFs fought together with the coalition to destroy Isis, they were accused of committing such sadistic atrocities there was little difference between PMFs and Isis.

Another proxy militia, Yemen’s Iranian-allied Houthis, have fired deadly drones and missiles on Saudi Arabia and the UAE, causing massive worldwide disruption of oil supplies after the attack on Saudi Aramco oil facilities.

Training of Iran’s proxies is coordinated by the IRGC and its extraterritorial arm, the Quds Force (IRGC-QF). Comprising ground, aviation and naval troops, the IRGC, which reports directly to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, protects Iran’s missile program and nuclear facilities, and controls a significant portion of the economy.

The US has designated as terrorist groups the IRGC and IRGC-QF, as well as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iran-backed PMFs. But the Biden administration’s perceived weakness associated with the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, inadequate response to escalating IRGC-QF maritime attacks, and appeasement of Iran during nuclear deal negotiations, has energised terror groups. Crucially, billions of dollars became available for the IRGC-QF because the US chose to ignore the Islamic Republic’s sanctions evasions.

As a regional and global threat, Iran tests the will and moral compass of the West. Simply placating Iran’s proxies won’t succeed. Israel tried to deal with Hamas by improving life in Gaza, where unemployment was nearly 50 per cent. They believed economic progress, stability, goodwill and growing social contacts would tame Hamas after Israel opened its gates to about 20,000 Gazans workers. Unfortunately, Hamas remained true to its foundational charter and patron’s ideology.

Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain fear Iran and seek peace and stability, but believe it prudent to form closer ties with their old adversary Qatar, a state-sponsor of Hamas that blamed Israel for the massacre and harbours Hamas rulers in Doha.

With the force of a tsunami, moral coherence was quick to drown after 7 October, and a shocking reversal of roles washed up when large demonstrations of Islamists and the far left blamed the victim for the genocidal terror, hatred and bestial impulses of the aggressor.

Nevertheless, the free world is waking up to the danger of an aggressive, colonialist Iran and its brutal jihadi proxies dotting the globe.


Posted in Dr. Ida Lichter, research topics, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment







Posted in Health and Medical issues, Japanese culture, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment













Sayaka Shoji

It is hard to find right words in front of such loss.
Through countless collaborations, my only wish is to share my fondest thoughts and reminiscences with those who carries Maestro Temirkanov’s unique artistry and humanity in their heart.
Thank you for the guidance and friendship over 20 years.













Posted in Shoji Sayaka, Violin, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment














Give Me Yesus: Indonesia Replaces Arabic Name for Christ
Beginning next year, the largest Muslim country in the world will use the Bahasa name for Christian holidays.
by Angela Lu Fulton
31 October 2023

The Indonesian government announced last month that it will stop using the Arabic term for Jesus Christ—Isa al Masih—when referring to Christian holidays and will instead use the Bahasa term Yesus Kristus beginning in 2024.
The change will alter the names of three national holidays: the Death of Isa al Masih (Good Friday), the Ascension of Isa al Masih, and the Birth of Isa al Masih (Christmas).

Many Christians are excited about the change as they have long used Yesus Kristus in their worship and everyday lives. They see the move as indicating that the Muslim-majority country is recognizing their terms and respecting Christians, who make up 10 percent of the population with 29 million believers.

Saiful Rahmat, deputy minister for religious affairs, noted that Indonesian Christians requested the name change.

“All of the Christians in Indonesia are supporting this [change] to show that our reference to Isa alMasih in the calendar year actually refers to Jesus Christ,” said Budi Santoso, director of Kartidaya (Wycliffe Indonesia). He and other Christian leaders noted the importance of the name change, as it would differentiate the Jesus Christians worship from the description of Isa in the Quran, where he is seen as merely a prophet.

Yet some believers fear the change could be the beginning of increased legislation over the terms Christians are allowed to use in Indonesia, leading to problems like Malaysia’s former ban preventing non-Muslims from referring to God as Allah (the ban was later struck down after a protracted legal battle).

They worry that if Indonesia goes on to ban the term Isa al Masih, this could hurt contextualized ministry to Muslims, as the connection between Isa in the Quran and the Bible is often a gateway into deeper conversation.

Religious harmony in Indonesia

While Muslims make up 87 percent of the Indonesian population, Islam is not the country’s official religion. Instead, Indonesia highly values religious harmony, encapsulated in a state philosophy known as Pancasila, and its Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

For both Muslim and Christian Indonesians, Allah has been used as the word for God for centuries. The Arabic word first spread to Southeast Asia in the 1100s as Muslim sultanates were established, and then was incorporated into the Malay language family, which includes Malaysian and Indonesian.

Many other Arabic words have been absorbed into Bahasa Indonesian and are commonly used by Christians, such as Alkitab for “Bible,” Injil for “Gospels,” and jemaat for “congregation.” A local ministry leader, who asked not to be named for security reasons, noted that “everyone uses the same term but applies different meanings to it.”

The term Isa al Masih however, is much less commonly used. Historically, some of the earlier Bible translations into Malay (the lingua franca of the former Dutch East Indies), such as William Girdlestone Shellabear’s 1910 translation of the New Testament, used the term, according to Daud Soesilo of United Bible Societies.

Yet after Indonesia’s independence in 1945, Bahasa-language translations mostly used Jesus Kristus or Yesus Kristus. One exception was a 2000 publication of a New Testament adapted from Shellabear’s translation for the purpose of reaching those more familiar with Arabic names and terms, Soesilo said.

Outside of mission workers building bridges with Muslims,Isa al Masih, is rarely used by Indonesian Christians, said Bedjo Lie, co-founder of the apologetic ministry Apologetika Indonesia.

He cheered the government’s decision to change how they refer to Christian holidays. “The decision signals the government’s respectful attitude toward Christians as the second-largest religious population in the country … and their religious vocabulary for their holidays.”
He noted that President Joko Widodo and the current minister of religious affairs are well-known for their effort to “protect and promote religious pluralism” in the country. Early this year, Widodo called on heads of provinces and districts to guarantee equal religious rights to people of all faiths after some Christians had been blocked from worshipping.

Some noted the move may have been made ahead of the February election as an effort to promote goodwill among Christians. Widodo’s second and final term is ending, causing a swell of uncertainty for Christians as to how committed the new president and legislature will be to protecting their rights. According to a recent Pew Research Center report, 64 percent of Muslims say sharia should be used as the law of the land.

Lie believes the name change also signals an “increasing theological literacy among Indonesian Christians and Muslims.” He pointed to the proliferation of online resources in the Indonesian language that has helped people have a “deeper understanding and appreciation of the theological differences between the Islamic Isa and the biblical Jesus.”

The Muslim understanding of Isa al Masihrejects the central tenets of the gospel—the divinity, death, and resurrection of Jesus, Lie said. “While the Quran and Islamic traditions … speak favorably about Isa, the Islamic narrative puts him under the shadows of Muhammad as the last and universal prophet.”

Fears of further legislation

While Indonesia is a secular state with six formal religions, in Malaysia, Islam is the official religion. With Muslims making up 63 percent of the population, the country practices a dual legal system of civil and sharia courts. (Sharia law only pertains to Muslims and covers family and personal law.)

In 1986 the Malaysian government banned the term Allah for non-Muslims to avoid confusion that may lead Muslims to convert to other religions. Two court cases were fought against the law for more than a decade, with the high court finally overturning the policy in 2021, calling it “illegal and unconstitutional.”

Some Christians fear that Indonesia’s move to change the name of Jesus could lead to a similar situation.

“The issue regarding the name of Jesus in Indonesia concerns us vigilantly: We would not want it to take the turn it took in Malaysia, that is, to turn into a ban aimed at Indonesian Christians to use the term Isa al Masih,” Catholic bishop Vitus Rubianto Solichin, who is based in Sumatra, told Fides news agency. “The important thing is to maintain and ensure freedom for all also in language.”

A number of senior evangelical leaders are also concerned the name change could be the first step toward the Indonesian government further legislating the words Christians can and can’t use, according to a missionary who has taught in Indonesian Bible schools for many years (he asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the topic).

The leaders noted that removing the term Isa al Masih breaks off Indonesian Christians’ solidarity with other Christian communities living in Muslim-majority areas in North Africa and the Middle East who also use the same term. Indonesia is one of the few countries where Muslims and Christians live together with mostly equal rights, which is frequently held up as a model for other nations.
If the government were to completely ban the term Isa al Masih, this would have an immediate impact on denominations (known as “synods” in Indonesia) that use the Arabic name of Jesus in its name, such as Gereja Isa al Masih, the Church of Jesus Christ. It would also impact traditional Bible translations, including the aforementioned Shellabear translation. Several new translations currently in progress also seek to preserve this title, according to the missionary, which maintains the connection between the historical figure of Isa mentioned in the Quran and Jesus in the Bible.

“Breaking that tie undermines interfaith dialogue and the perception of the public that we are talking about the same person,” he said.
He noted that many Muslim leaders are concerned about the effectiveness of contextualized evangelism in converting Muslims to Christianity. Banning the use of Arabic terms like Isa al Masih is thus seen as a way to protect their faith. Yet Christians fear this would undermine Pancasila, push back some of the positive steps the government has taken on religious liberties, and lead to potential human rights abuses.

Lie has also heard of some of these concerns from Christian missiologists and missionaries. Yet he doesn’t envision the current change leading to more draconic measures and thinks that believers from Muslim backgrounds will be able to continue using Isa in their “contextual Bible, liturgy, and conversation.”

“The government only changes the names of Christian holidays, and so far, I do not foresee any further policy planned,” Lie said.


Posted in Christianity, Japanese culture, Malay studies, research topics, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


大変でしたね。 びっくりされたでしょう? 予後が大切です。くれぐれもお大事になさってください。
9:15 AM · Oct 29, 2023

8:01 PM · Oct 29, 2023


Posted in Health and Medical issues, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment




「東海道新幹線でついに終了… 車内販売、揺れ動いた歴史」
鉄道の達人 鉄道ジャーナリスト 梅原淳
国および人の「近代化」とは? – ブログ版『ユーリの部屋』 https://itunalily.hatenablog.com/entry/20140519
7:55 AM · Oct 26, 2023
「働き方改革」のまずさは、残業手当があるので夜遅くまで働いていたという一般人の現場の「知恵」を無視して、「早く帰れ!」と一斉に急き立てたこと。 一方で、賢い勤労者は、その分、朝6時頃から出勤して働いていた、らしい。
8:00 AM · Oct 26, 2023



R5 10/26【ゲスト:飯山 陽】百田尚樹・有本香のニュース生放送 あさ8時! 第233回

【デマ解説!】高橋和夫・放送大学名誉教授のウソを暴くよ! https://youtube.com/live/UYuVvxq-E5w?si=tD4Emi-0fuoGiPax via@YouTube









Posted in Daniel Pipes, Douglas Murray, Dr. Anat Berko, Dr. Ida Lichter, Japanese culture, research topics, Richard Pipes, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment


The Australian(https://www.theaustralian.com.au/world/mullahs-unleash-gender-apartheid-to-woke-silence/news-story/0c37c29f8cb8d47fe18f73481e3193e7)

Mullahs unleash ‘gender apartheid’ to woke silence
by Dr.Ida Lichter
12 OCTOBER 2023

Celebrations for the Nobel Peace Prize bestowed this month on jailed Iranian women’s rights activist Narges Mohammadi have been overtaken by an event more to the liking of Iran’s belligerent regime – their proxy militia Hamas launching a war against Israel.

Iran denounced the award as politically driven, and the regime could well double down on a raft of harsh new laws enforcing the mandatory wearing of the hijab.

As a self-confessed human rights defender, might US President Joe Biden oppose these brutal laws, and find the mettle to stop appeasing Iran?

Coming on the heels of reports that an unveiled teenage girl is in a coma after being attacked by morality police, might we also see the leftist woke and feminist movements stop ignoring Iran’s increasingly stringent hijab laws?

Fifty-one-year-old Mohammadi, currently in Tehran’s Evin prison, has been arrested 13 times and condemned to flogging and sentenced to a total of 31 years jail. Her Nobel prize pays homage to the Woman, Life, Freedom movement that exploded in Iran a year ago after the death of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the so-called morality police for allegedly showing some hair from under a loose hijab.

In the wave of protests that followed, hundreds were killed and thousands arrested by security police. These forces included the radicalised Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and their subordinate Basij volunteer paramilitary.

Although the crackdown was ultimately successful, more women have stopped wearing the hijab and continued subversive singing and dancing clandestinely at night. Surveillance of women increased around April, when smart cameras began tracking and identifying those who transgressed hijab rules. Then patrols by the morality police returned after a hiatus of several months.

Extra patrols have reportedly been deployed in a push to impose the new laws. Equating inadequate veiling with nudity, the new laws will punish women who mock or flout hijab rules in public or online and wear close fitting garments or expose any part of the body between the neck and ankles or above the forearms.

Previously, women who disobeyed hijab laws faced short jail terms and small fines. Under the new regulations, they risk five to 10 years in prison flogging, fines of up to 360 million Iranian rials (about $13,000), and restricted internet access.

UN special rapporteurs have described the new laws as “a form of gender apartheid”, and Canberra has imposed targeted sanctions on several individuals and organisations.

Mohammadi and the Woman, Life, Freedom want more than hijab reforms, seeking support for regime change and a freeze on Iran nuclear deal talks. Such demands are unlikely to be met while the Biden administration hobbles towards an informal agreement on uranium enrichment, and after it negotiated a hostage payment of $US6bn in a prisoner swap.

It seems unlikely that the new Nobel Laureate could influence a recalcitrant Islamic Republic or the leftist wave sweeping the free world. Iran’s compulsory hijab is a major pillar of its revolutionary Shia ideology and dictatorship, and the moralising progressives quick to cancel historical composers for supposed racism seem averse to cancelling mullahs who flagrantly persecute women. To its great shame, the international feminist movement has succumbed to the left and woke agenda, losing its mooring to basic women’s rights.

Twenty years ago, feminists failed to mobilise effectively for Iranian women’s rights when Shirin Ebadi, Mohammadi’s mentor, won the Nobel and was later forced into exile by the authoritarian regime.
Today’s feminists and world leaders should at least speak out against the Islamic Republic’s new cruel and misogynist laws so that Mohammadi’s courage and hard-won Nobel does not go to waste but inspires wide support and reforms for the oppressed women of Iran.

*Dr. Ida Lichter is the author of Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression.


Posted in Dr. Ida Lichter, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment





私が学会でダグラスさんを紹介したら、 困ったなぁ、 と主催者の司会者に言われました。2018年3月のことです。記録もありますよ。
7:04 AM · Oct 16, 2023

そうです!日本も大学改革の2003年以降、徐々にそうなってきました。 「多様性を尊重」と言いつつも、自分の価値観やイデオロギーと合わない人を排除していくのです。昔の先生方は、知的にも社会的にも余裕があったのか、もっと鷹揚でした。
3:56 PM · Oct 16, 2023

エネルギー資源の確保と、日本が国連安保理の常任委員になるための票集めが理由。 治安維持からは、日本のムスリム圏の大使館が注視しているため、研究者は発言を変える。
7:52 AM · Oct 20, 2023




10:45 AM · Oct 20, 2023



1:18 PM · Oct 21, 2023


ジョナサン・ポラードって、こんな風貌になった? 裏切り者だ、とアメリカの知人は猛烈に怒っていた。
8:50 AM · Oct 22, 2023
【櫻LIVE】第574回 – 百田尚樹・日本保守党代表 × 有本香・日本保守党事務総長 × 櫻井よしこ × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版) https://youtu.be/5StfUqST0F0?si=s2unJLEpjMReXqzI… via @YouTube
1:41 PM · Oct 21, 2023

Paganini – dal Concerto n° 1, 1° tempo (Sayaka Shoji, violinista) https://youtu.be/9KtmZxaTx20?si=HpGYNJzAr9sy76DS… via @YouTube
切れ味抜群の演奏。 彼女の成功に関しては、バックに強力な支援者がいるのでは、といつでも感じている。
2:22 PM · Oct 21, 2023
いつでも資料の山が乱雑に積み重なっています。 お忙しいのは承知の上で、アシスタントを使って、もう少し整理整頓したらどうかしら、と思ってしまいますが。
10:37 PM · Oct 21, 2023
透明なガムテープを貼る時、どうしても皺ができて、些か見苦しくなる。時には空気が入り込み、水泡のようになる。 だが、数日後、しばらく経つと空気が抜けて皺も消えて、きれいなテープ貼りに変わっている。 不思議だが、こういうテーマを小学校の自由研究でやりたかったな。
9:16 AM · Oct 23, 2023
最近の風潮から、20年ぐらい前に新聞で読んだコラムを思い出す。 中国が、日本人は一人一人は大したことがないが、集団で来ると怖い。だから、日本社会の団結力を個人主義で崩していけばいい、と考えていたらしい。 また、中国産の食品輸出で、日本人の認知症を増やそうとしている、とも読んだ。
9:30 AM · Oct 23, 2023
最近では、若手医師の方々が、You Tubeで医療情報を次々と発信。結構、下品なものもあり、要注意。 昨日見たのは、大人の神経障害ならぬ発達障害の話。極端に二項対立的で、経験や解釈の幅が大変に狭い。物知り子供みたいに心が幼い大人。相手の気持ちが理解できない、という。 考えさせられた。
9:22 AM · Oct 23, 2023

子供に嫉妬する親! あるある。 精神的な成長が止まっている感じで、人間関係も狭く閉じている。 自分の思い込みで一方的に物事を進めるので、孤立。情報だけは溜め込むが、道理や根底が理解できない。 でも長生きする。
10:37 AM · Oct 23, 2023

学歴が高く、生活水準もそこそこだと、一見、わかりにくい。だが、学校時代から、周囲と基本的に情緒の交流ができないため、人間関係で苦労し、孤立している。 但し、必ずしも単独行動をするタイプとは限らない。家族がいても、周囲が困っていることに気づいていない。
10:52 AM · Oct 23, 2023

気になったので、A D H DとA S Dの診断テストをやってみた。 両方とも全く正常だ、と。 しかし、質問項目を見ると、症状を持つ人は、学校でも家庭でも社会生活でも相当苦労しているのでは、と感じさせられた。 生きづらさ、という流行り言葉、安易に使うべきではなさそうだ。
12:21 PM · Oct 23, 2023



厚労省が一日に野菜を350グラム食べましょう、と唱導し始めてしばらく経つ。今も日本国民は野菜の食べ方が不足しているそうだ。 最初から気になっているのは、芋類と葉野菜とでは重量が違うのに、野菜の内訳ではなく、単なる野菜の重さだけを強調する理由は何か、ということ。 生の重量か調理後か?
6:01 PM · Oct 24, 2023

話は変わりますが、You Tubeで定期的に出演して喋っている女性達の衣装や洋服は、全部、自前なのでしょうか? 毎回変わる服装は、維持管理も大変そう。 ひょっとして、レンタル?
7:20 AM · Oct 25, 2023


Posted in Christianity, Douglas Murray, Health and Medical issues, Japanese culture, research topics, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment




パイピシュ先生は、何と1983年から、アンワル氏が危険な原理主義者だと著書に書かれていたのだった。(Daniel Pipes, “In the path of God: Islam and Political Power” Basic Books, pp.128, 251, 314, 326)。シカゴ大学で、故ウィリアム・マクニール教授の下(http://ja.danielpipes.org/article/13633)(http://ja.danielpipes.org/article/15772)、若き日の輝かしい経歴出発の門出として、パイピシュ先生が生き生きと世界史を教えていた頃、当地で勉強していたアンワル氏と出会ったという。》









Malaysia’s Anwar rejects West’s ‘pressuring attitude’ to condemn Hamas
Malaysian prime minister says his government will continue to maintain its relationship with the Palestinian group.

16 Oct 2023

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has rejected Western pressure to condemn Hamas, saying his government will continue to maintain relations with the armed group.
Anwar said that Western officials have repeatedly asked Malaysia to condemn Hamas in meetings but his government “does not agree” with their attitude.
“I said that we, as a policy, have a relationship with Hamas from before, and this will continue,” Anwar said on Monday in remarks to parliament.
“As such, we don’t agree with their pressuring attitude, as Hamas, too, won in Gaza freely through elections, and Gazans chose them to lead.”
Western governments have condemned Hamas and called on other countries to stand with Israel after Hamas earlier this month carried out the deadliest attack on the country in decades.
More than 1,400 people, most of them civilians, were killed when Hamas fighters attacked southern Israel by air, land and sea on October 7, according to Israeli officials.
Israel’s subsequent bombardment of Gaza has killed at least 2,750 people and wounded nearly 10,000 others, according to Palestinian officials. Another 1,000 people are believed to be trapped under rubble in the enclave.
Malaysia, where about 60 percent of the population is Muslim, is a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights and does not have diplomatic ties with Israel.
Last week, Anwar criticised the international community for what he said was their one-sided stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
“The international community continues to take one-sided actions regarding all forms of cruelty and oppression to the Palestinian people. The confiscation of land and property belonging to the Palestinian people is done relentlessly by the Zionists,” he said on X.
“As a result of this injustice, hundreds of innocent lives were sacrificed. Malaysia remains in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people.”
Malaysian has long been a supporter of the Palestinian cause [Hasnoor Hussain/Reuters]
The Malaysian leader’s comments came as his country’s foreign ministry issued a statement urging the United Nations Security Council to call for a ceasefire.
“There should be no disproportionate treatment and flagrant hypocrisy in dealing with any regime that practices apartheid and blatantly violates human rights and international law,” the ministry said.
On Friday, about 1,000 Muslims rallied in Kuala Lumpur to express solidarity with Palestinians, chanting “Free Palestine” and “Crush the Zionists” as they burned effigies draped with Israeli flags.
Hamas leaders have in the past visited Malaysia and met with its leaders.
In 2013, former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak defied Israel’s blockade on Gaza and crossed into the enclave following an invitation from the group.




Should the State Department Designate Malaysia a Terror Sponsor?
by Michael Rubin(director of policy analysis at the Middle East Forum)
29 December 2023

Even the world’s most anti-Semitic leaders often try to hide or deny their anti-Semitism. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei may be the world’s most prominent anti-Semite, but he likes to couch his deep-seeded hatred of Jews in the language of anti-Zionism and the destruction of Israel.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, too, says he is not anti-Semitic; he is just opposed to Israel. Turkey’s Jews are the canary in the coalmine, though. Under Erdogan, their numbers have plummeted. When Erodgan wants to inflame his base or when he does not need anything from the West, he lets his anti-Semitism shine through. Long before Jewish space lasers became a thing among fringe conspiracy theorists, Erdogan’s top advisor suggested Jews killed Turks via telekinesis.

Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s senior statesman who served close to 25 years as the Southeast Asian country’s prime minister, abides no such nuance. In a December 29, 2023 tweet, Mohamad (who has long been open about his anti-Semitism), outlines his theory about the Jewish control of the United States. “Who owns America?” he asks, before explaining, “Obviously, the Zionist Jews because they control the different media and they own most of the big American corporations.”

American officials might dismiss Mohamad’s rant as the ravings of a has-been 98-year-old but this would be a mistake both because Mohamad inspires Islamist extremism in the West and because the infrastructure of terror support Mohamad introduced continues to cultivate and support terrorists.

Consider: In 2018, Malaysia accused the Mossad of assassinating a Hamas engineer on a Kuala Lumpur street. Whether Israel was behind the assassination is immaterial to the fact that Malaysia was hosting a prominent Hamas weapons specialist.

In November 2022, Turkey blew the whistle on an alleged Israeli operation to nab “Omar A,” a Palestinian hacker who had disrupted Iron Dome in 2015 and 2016 to enable Hamas rockets to strike Israel. As is increasingly common, initial interrogation occurs by video, in this case from a cabin about 30 miles outside Kuala Lumpur. After the Turkish tip-off, Malaysian officials rescued the Hamas hacker and arrested the Mossad’s Malaysian informants.

That Malaysian connection for Hamas is now the rule rather than the exception. While Hamas terrorists reportedly practiced their October 7 attack in Gaza itself, the exception was the mechanized paragliders who could not do so without attracting Israeli attention. Enter Malaysia to host their training.

The current Israel-Hamas War should be a wake-up call for the West. Hamas is a transnational terror group that finds fertile ground in Iran, Turkey, and now Malaysia. Just as with Afghanistan pre-2001 (and perhaps post-2021), safe-havens allow terror to metastasize. Mohamad laid the infrastructure for terror to thrive in Malaysia, his successor has done nothing to uproot it, and so its cancer now grows. Counter-terror policy is most effective when it is based on fact rather than wishful thinking. At a minimum, Malaysia should be on the Financial Action Task Force grey or black lists. Simultaneously, it is time the State Department consider designating Malaysia to be a state sponsor of terrorism.


Posted in Daniel Pipes, Malay studies, research topics, Studies related, © 2023 by Ikuko Tsunashima-Miyake | Leave a comment